Graphic Cards need some help with GPU


Apr 12, 2006

I have the rig in my sig. I have only standard 350W PSU that comes with the zebby cabinets. now i might be getting a xfx-7600GT UDD3 model. or i might be getting a 7600 GS only ! i have two questions:

1) will my PSU be able to handle it considering i have only 1 SATA HDD, 1 DVD burner?

2) will my system (AMD 64 3000+, twinmos 1GB, Gigabyte MB) be a bottleneck for the performance of the GPU? i read somewhere that beyond a point a given system cannot give any improvement in performance even if u keep getting better GPUs.

thnx in advance!!

ANP !!!

May 15, 2006
7600GT/GS dont need external Powersupply, so you will be good with wht u have, unless u r buying anything extra.


Feb 17, 2006
shado_chazzer_killer said:
7600GT/GS dont need external Powersupply, so you will be good with wht u have, unless u r buying anything extra.

Eh? :S Dude they dont need any extra power through the PCIE power connector, but they still need power!!! The zebby 350W i think does not have more than 12A on the 12V rail. Maybe it may run the 7600 GS but i dont think it'll run the 7600 GT.

@mjain, since ur processor is at stock it will make a difference in games like half life 2, far cry, etc which are cpu limited. But nowadays most games are gpu limited so the better the graphics card, better the performance.


Feb 14, 2006
shado_chazzer_killer said:
7600GT/GS dont need external Powersupply, so you will be good with wht u have, unless u r buying anything extra.

dont post when u dont know :mad:


get a good 400W model (24 pin) from antec , powersafe , zebronics (for zebby stick only with the skyhawk oems) etc. dont ever take risks by using a cheap geneirc psu unless u dont love ur hardware.

EDIT : go for techboys antec 450w psu .. check the market section. buy a second hand psu if u are short of cash. but dont take the risk !!


Apr 12, 2006
:hap2: thnx mohit. any idea how much a decent PSU that will do my job will cost? new one i mean! otherwise i can buy from someone here.:S

:eek:hyeah: but i dont have enough cash to fly up to delhi to buy from techboy.:bleh:

bad boy Mohit, misleading a newbie!:(

ANP !!!

May 15, 2006
mohit said:
dont post when u dont know :mad:

get a good 400W model (24 pin) from antec , powersafe , zebronics (for zebby stick only with the skyhawk oems) etc. dont ever take risks by using a cheap geneirc psu unless u dont love ur hardware.

EDIT : go for techboys antec 450w psu .. check the market section. buy a second hand psu if u are short of cash. but dont take the risk !!

Damn u guys !!!! I said it does not need EXTERNAL POWERSUPPLY It can get its power from the PCIe bus. Does this clear ur doubt. :mad: . I m not always wrong. Plz read my posts atleast 5times before posting -ve feedbacks. I m not in a condition to be -vely reputeted :D :p Thank you


Feb 14, 2006
^^dude fine it will get its power from the pci-e bus .. but still the overall system will be needing power na ? or will it work by solar or wind energy ???

post some sense and nobody will -vely rep u or anything.

I have only standard 350W PSU that comes with the zebby cabinets.

will my PSU be able to handle it considering i have only 1 SATA HDD, 1 DVD burner?

the above was what was asked.
Originally Posted by shado_chazzer_killer
7600GT/GS dont need external Powersupply, so you will be good with wht u have, unless u r buying anything extra.

and that was what u replied. total rubbish imho. you were foolishly advicing mjain to stick with the 350W psu and had he done that he would have definitely screwed up his rig.

I dont know what you meant when u wrote that but any sane man will think that you posted c*ap.

u can get an antec sp400w psu (new) for around 3.7k. that will do the job.
a friend is running a 7800gtx with 1gb ram and intel 3.0 ghz using that psu.

ANP !!!

May 15, 2006
hunt3r said:
Eh? Dude they dont need any extra power through the PCIE power connector, but they still need power!!! The zebby 350W i think does not have more than 12A on the 12V rail. Maybe it may run the 7600 GS but i dont think it'll run the 7600 GT.

Wrong a Completely assembled PC with 7600GT draws a total of 220-250watts of power. Just Click here n enter whtever u have, the final total is the minimum required PSU. But i still agree with other ppl, that be safe n get a 400watts PSU. A 350watts PSU offen creates random restarts if there are many hardware running on it.

: You are not really getting wht i meant. I meant that 7600GT dont need any External Powersupply, means it get all its power from the PCIe bus, it does not need any extra Power from the PSU like higher models do, like 7800 or 7900. Of course other hardwares in the rig needs the PSU. I know, u knew everything i just said, but ur getting me wrong all the way from the first post.

So the verdit is you CAN run a 7600GT/GS with a 350watts PSU, but to be safe you WILL need atleast a 400watts PSU


Jan 29, 2005
^^Mr SCK do you even have a clue that most PSUs sold in India would probably burst into flames if they were run at their continuous peak? A 7600GT with a decent CPU would need around 200-220W of power at load. That boils down to around 18-20A continuous on 12V. Most 400W PSUs that are sold locally are no way close to this rating. Hell the 500W made in india psu from zebronics and other such el cheapo brands(not the zebronics diamond series skyhawk OEM ones which are real good) won't be able to sustain 18A on 12V. These useless PSUs are grossly overrated. Also other than the Antec NeoHE, every other PSU sold in india is rated at 25 degrees. Considering that summer temperatures average 35 degrees, the PSU would probably run at 45 degrees internal temps dropping the max output of a "500W" PSU to probably around 350. I hope you get the picture... even a cheap 500W would probably not be enough. My advice - get atleast a 450W Powersafe. The Powersafes are cheap, decently built and most importantly, not overrated like the rest of the crap.


Feb 17, 2006
^^Have u never heard of efficiency??? A local PSU will NOT give u even 70% efficiency. And the Ampere rating on the 12 V rail are not sufficient either.

A 350watts PSU offen creates random restarts if there are many hardware running on it.

its always not about wattage, the quality of the PSU is a major thing. If he had a Antec 350W PSU it would have been fine.

Edit: Choas beat me to it :p


Feb 14, 2006
^^it is better to be safe than sorry sck .. using a cheap psu is sure to coz problems and remember that you do not get warranty for burnt hardware. so its better to spend some more now and be safe rather than spending all over again for a new rig.


Apr 12, 2006
:hap2: thnx evy1 for ur reps. hunter has suggested (via PM) a powersafe 400W (arnd 1.4K if he is rite). is that fine?:huh:

n nobody seems to be exactly addressing my second question. :mad: will the diff between a 7600GT n a 6600GT be less on my machine than on a, say, AMD X2 3800 with DFI mobo n better RAM? because i read somewhere that lower end proccys wont be able to exploit the higher end cards to the fullest :)ashamed: not that 7600GT is high end:tongue: )


Dec 22, 2005
Your current specs will not be a bottleneck for the 7600GT.

Yes if you had the AMD X2 or a DFI mobo and if you plan to overclock, you would have got some good benchmark scores. If you are not crazy about benchmarking or overclocking, the combination is fine.


Mar 16, 2005
mohit said:
^^it is better to be safe than sorry sck .. using a cheap psu is sure to coz problems and remember that you do not get warranty for burnt hardware. so its better to spend some more now and be safe rather than spending all over again for a new rig.
HUH burnt hardware ? My friend has been using an el cheapo 200 watts mercury PSU since yrs on a fully loaded system with 9800 pro, 2 hdds, 2 optical drives. And no anything hasnt burned as yet, yes he does get a lots of issue due to under powering but I doubt hardware would be damaged by lack of power !!


Feb 14, 2006
^^hmm your friend is lucky ... cheap psu's can cause power surges and that will fry stuff like gpu's and mobos. i have read about so many people frying up their hardware due to the usage of el cheapo psu's.