Need someone to do a BSNL prepaid mobile recharge for me

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Molar Police
Staff member
Roadside shops that do easy recharges are on a strike here in Pondicherry for the past 4 days it seems (something to do with operators paying them less commissions for recharges), and it might continue for quite some time. Unfortunately, I need to do a FRC for my newly obtained BSNL prepaid sim. I don't want to wait until Monday to go to the BSNL office; need to activate voice plans in my sim at the earliest. So, if anyone can help me do the same, I would be grateful.

I would need a RECHARGE (not the topup) for Rs.48 only. Some kind soul, please help me with this. I can transfer the cash by tonight to your ICICI account, or by Monday evening if it's an account with some other bank.

Please PM me if you can do the needful.

did you try bsnl portal prepaid recharge

if you want i can do that for you

whats your mobile number

minimum their is 50 bucks

pm me
Portal does not allow recharge of any denomination. There are only fixed values for recharges, and none of them apply for FRCs.
^ Great. PayTM has an option for special recharges itself. Does that mean I can recharge any 3G data pack through the site? For instance the iPad UL plan for Rs 999?
even i wanted to confirm regarding the 999 plan.. i guess my "1 GB free" is about to expire (or it has even expired coz U/L + D/L shows > 1 GB).. :P
^ Please post here if you do recharge from PayTM.

Well, I got 2 GB free the first month on my iPad sim. ;) :P
In BSNL there is no more differentiation between topup/recharge! and no more confusions :) As like other sites paytm too failed to do spl recharges:(
Haven't tried a data recharge. Will do sometime next week only. The current recharge was instant.
varkey said:
^ Please post here if you do recharge from PayTM.

Well, I got 2 GB free the first month on my iPad sim. ;) :P

Then may be even i have been allotted 2 gb free.. Yey.. :P
Haven't tried a data recharge. Will do sometime next week only. The current recharge was instant.

So u did a recharge(1st in ur case) of Rs 120 through PAYTM and it worked. Right ?
@Supra: Yes. It worked alright.

@smnrock: You are also right. I did a 48 FRC for one new prepaid sim and a 120 FRC for another. :)
Just recharged my iPad SIM for the Rs 999 UL pack through PayTM and the recharge was processed instantly. :D Saved me a trip to the recharge shop! :P
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