Need suggestion to buy a telescope

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I need to buy one good telescope. I am confused btw whether to buy a relfector or a refractor telescope.

My budget is around 7k. Suggest one good model to buy.

Thanks in advance,

Anybody know any good online shopping sites where I can buy the telescope?....I live in chennai so if somebody know any shops out here will be good too...
One good telescope in 7K is well 'impossible-ish'.

Please define 'good'. What will you be observing? The moon? Jupiter/Saturn + rings. Plaiedes / Orion.

It is very hard to get a good telescope in India and even so prices are too high.
My advice is instead of buying a 'cheap' telescope, which can and will be a nightmare during usage:
You're better of getting a decent pair of binoculars.

It is not as glamorous, but offer stereoscopic vision and is portable.
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