Need suggestions on Pets

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If she in fact is an animal lover (and not someone who just goes "chooo chweet" at every critter) why dont you donate to the SPCA/blue cross/local animal shelter in her name? or sponsor an animal from the local zoo for a month? (this system exists in pune, not sure about other places)

That is a really good suggestion.

Regarding hamsters, my friend had a pair, and she kept them in a cage, petted and played with them for years. Then she went abroad, and left them with me.
I hate seeing animals in cages, so I left the door open, and they'd roam around within my room the whole day until I took my dog for a walk, when they'd pay my mom a visit in the kitchen.

When my friend came back a year later to reclaim them, she tried to play with them, but every time she carried them, they bit her.

It's cruel keeping animals caged up, and they'll hate you for it.

If your friend really loves animals, then get her something which she can let roam free, or better yet, make a donation in her name. I'm sure any animal lover would love the thoughtfulness of that.
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