Storage Solutions Need the part no of this Hard Disk!

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I want to know the part number of the 7200.10 320 gb 1 mb cache model.
I'm pretty much confused because i saw the pic of appos hard disk as ST3320820AS and Eazy's article says its the 8 mb one.
if thats the case why he bought the 8 mb one? is it the 8mb or 1 mb one?
lol thanks chaos repped :D and correction my earlier post its the 16 mb not 1 mb :P.

one more thing is there any special thing i should look when buying this hdd? like china made ones are pos singapore ones are better? or are there any fake ones of this hdd?
x86 said:
I want to know the part number of the 7200.10 320 gb 1 mb cache model.
I'm pretty much confused because i saw the pic of appos hard disk as ST3320820AS and Eazy's article says its the 8 mb one.
if thats the case why he bought the 8 mb one? is it the 8mb or 1 mb one?

3320820AS This I think translates to

3 = 3.5"
320 = 320GB
8 = buffer size
2 = number of platters
0 = not sure - but I think it indicates the height of the HDD
AS = dunno

OK came across this long thread on these 320GB drives .... check it out if you have time... check out post no 146 for a picture of the silent version of this drive...

Seagate 7200.10 Review - Discussion@SR
wtf! why is it soo dmzan loud? lord zhop please confirm how loud is it compared to 40 gig ata's. :P
and should i buy this hdd i want the best option available on a 1 mb variant of sata2 capacity 300-400 gb. budget 5k to 5.5k.
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