Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

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Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

Some games like GTA-IV are VRAM hungry. The more the VRAM the better :)

So it depends upon the games you play.
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

^^ Fully agree. If the difference between both is not much then he can go for 1 GB one also.

A quote from elitebastards
Quite simply, 1GB of graphics memory is rarely required for gaming at 1680x1050 here in 2010, meaning that 512MB will suffice for the casual gamers amongst you. Considering that Radeon HD 5670 boards with just 512MB are weighing in as much as £20 cheaper than their 1GB counterparts, this represents an absolute bargain in our eyes - Spend less money, gain exactly the same level of performance.

Read more here
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet


Hey a friend of mine just suggested that a Core 2 Duo would be a better buy than the DualCore. Is that true? The cheapest Core2Duo he could find on the net was about 6K (don't know which one though). In that case I guess I won't be able fit a Core2Duo in my budget can I?
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

He needs to research more ....... The E5300 is the same design as the good Core 2 duos ........ They are all of a the same design called Wolfdale ....... The E5300 is the same as the E8400 with a little less of cache and clock speed and all that complicated stuff .....
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

DevinWolf said:
He needs to research more ....... The E5300 is the same design as the good Core 2 duos ........ They are all of a the same design called Wolfdale ....... The E5300 is the same as the E8400 with a little less of cache and clock speed and all that complicated stuff .....
Now that's good to know info. I'm gonna check out the Wolfdale Architecture when I get the time (thanks for igniting my interest). Hey BTW, does an e5300 seem a better buy than the Athlon X2 240 when it comes to performance and OC-ing considering the difference in prices is not too much?
I was just comparing the benefits of GTS 250 vs the ATI HD5670 and it seems that besides the lack of DX11, the GTS250 is said to outperform the HD5670 way too well -the NVIDIA PhysX demos looked great! What do you all say, should I go for a hd5670 1GB or a GTS250 (how much does the 1Gb version cost BTW?)?

P.S. I don't have a really great monitor today but I might choose to upgrade it to something bigger maybe a year from now IA.
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

Sapphire HD5670 1GB DDR5-5.8k

MSI GTS250 512MB DDRIII-5.8k.

If you want raw performance then the GTS250 beats the HD5670 by a good margin.

But the HD5670 has very low idle power and even full load power is 70-75w~. So it doesnt need a seperate PCIE connector.

In case you decide to get the GTS250 then get a decent PSU like the Gigabyte Superb 460w - 2.2k. This is the min. req. for the card.

If you plan to OC then E5300 is a better option. You can hit at least ~3-3.2Ghz even with intel stock HSF. You can go till ~3.7-3.8Ghz if you get a decent after market cooler.
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

Karthi007 said:
Sapphire HD5670 1GB DDR5-5.8k
MSI GTS250 512MB DDRIII-5.8k.

If you want raw performance then the GTS250 beats the HD5670 by a good margin.
But the HD5670 has very low idle power and even full load power is 70-75w~. So it doesnt need a seperate PCIE connector.

In case you decide to get the GTS250 then get a decent PSU like the Gigabyte Superb 460w - 2.2k. This is the min. req. for the card.

If you plan to OC then E5300 is a better option. You can hit at least ~3-3.2Ghz even with intel stock HSF. You can go till ~3.7-3.8Ghz if you get a decent after market cooler.
Yes, I was checking out the PhysX feature of the GTS250 and am quite impressed by it. I guess it would be better to invest in PhysX rather than ask for DX11 from the ATI HD5670. Now only thing is that the GTS250's got 512MB of VRAM while the HD5670 has double. And then I'll have to invest more fro a better PSU for the GTS250. Umm... Do I sound a little confused now?

BTW, is the mobo in my config suitable for OC-ing?
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

Hey everybody,
Thanks a LOT for all your help with this. I've purchased the following configuration:
Proccy- Intel Dual Core E5300
M/B- Biostar GA-G31D
Ram- 2GB
GPU- ----
HDD- WD 1TBGB Green -Rs 4650/-
Cabinet + SMPS- VIP
Micorsoft/Logitech combo - 0.7k
The vendor has quoted Rs. 7450 + 4% Vat, for the ATI HD5670 1 GB (Sapphire). Is this reasonable? I'm in Pune.
Also, when I right-click My Computer and select Properties, the CPU shows up as Intel Core 2 Duo 7500 at 2.9Ghz. It shows up the same in XP as well as Win7. What could this be due to, considering that I haven't tried any OC-ing and the MB OC settings are at Auto.

Please advise.
Thanks again :)
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

abdelazeez said:
Hey everybody,

The vendor has quoted Rs. 7450 + 4% Vat, for the ATI HD5670 1 GB (Sapphire). Is this reasonable? I'm in Pune.

WHAT Sapphire 5670 for 7450 + Tax. The dealer is simply looting. DONT PURCHASE. You should get this GPU for 5.5k approx.

And you purchased a VIP SMPS and Cabinet. Cabinet is ok, but I dont think its a good idea to run 5670 on this SMPS. You should have atleast bought VIP Gold 400W.

Edit: Just now realised that you have written the price of 1 GB and I was taking about the 512 MB version. I dont have any idea of the price of 1 GB.
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

The HD5670 512MB GDDR5 sells at Rs. 5670

HD5670 1GB sells at 7.4k, dunno how u guys got 5.8k, because the price in USD is 120$, even at Rs. 50 conversion rate, that wud mean 6k and add to that taxes and shippping and other ETC. category charges...
Re: Help: Need to build a PC - CPU, Mobo, GPU, Cabinet

saqib_khan said:
WHAT Sapphire 5670 for 7450 + Tax. The dealer is simply looting. DONT PURCHASE. You should get this GPU for 5.5k approx.

And you purchased a VIP SMPS and Cabinet. Cabinet is ok, but I dont think its a good idea to run 5670 on this SMPS. You should have atleast bought VIP Gold 400W.

Edit: Just now realised that you have written the price of 1 GB and I was taking about the 512 MB version. I dont have any idea of the price of 1 GB.

Hey, the 5670 specs say it runs on very less amount of power so the dealer (who supposedly claims to be one of the ATI Graphic suppliers to most computer shops in Pune... I don't know how true that is though) said this SMPS should be OK for the card considering the HD5670 doesn't even require a power connector. But I am not sure of what the power rating of the SMPS he gave me is, will go home and check tonight.

Do you recommend getting another SMPS incase the one I have is rated less than 400W?

BTW, I just did a quick google and it seems that these are only the following versions of the VIP SMPS available: 750W | 600W | 400W Gold /500W | 400R. I don't know which one is mine, so I guess I'll still have to check it out personally.

BTW, what's the rating of a 400R (just in case that is mine)?

@comp@addict thanks for confirming the price of the 1GB.
I know about this SMPS, I too purchased a VIP cabinet with inbuilt SMPS. It costed me some 1100 Rs. The SMPS was just rated as 280 w. I dont recommend you to run this GPU in this SMPS. Can you do a exchange with the dealer by giving this SMPS and purchasing VIP GOld 400w.

Just found out your 400R SMPS. I recommend you this SMPS. Do check out both these links. The thing is that they have not written the power rating for 400R. Can you give us a screenshot for whats written on this SMPS. Or just read it and mention its technical specs, so that we can advise you.
saqib_khan said:
I know about this SMPS, I too purchased a VIP cabinet with inbuilt SMPS. It costed me some 1100 Rs. The SMPS was just rated as 280 w. I dont recommend you to run this GPU in this SMPS. Can you do a exchange with the dealer by giving this SMPS and purchasing VIP GOld 400w.

Just found out your 400R SMPS. I recommend you this SMPS. Do check out both these links. The thing is that they have not written the power rating for 400R. Can you give us a screenshot for whats written on this SMPS. Or just read it and mention its technical specs, so that we can advise you.

Thanks Saqib. Guess what, my cabinet+SMPS costed me 1100 too, so I think it could be the same as yours. In that case I'll try exchanging the SMPS with the dealer, although I am not sure if he will do it or not. But then its been just 2 days, so I think it should work out.

In any case I think I'll open up the Cabinet and check out the specs on the SMPS personally today evening.

Hey, BTW would you know why the System Info in XP/Win7 shows the CPU as an Core2Duo E7500 2.9GHz? I"m attaching a screenshot from XP below. Even the 3DBenchmark tool shows it as 2.9GHz, and so does the BIOS.


  • PICT0787.JPG
    115.1 KB · Views: 311
abdelazeez said:
Hey, BTW would you know why the System Info in XP/Win7 shows the CPU as an Core2Duo E7500 2.9GHz? I"m attaching a screenshot from XP below. Even the 3DBenchmark tool shows it as 2.9GHz, and so does the BIOS.

cross check with the receipt you've got about what you have purchased.
Also if you have the processor box check that too.
Match the serial nos
I think in probability he gave you a E7500 but if the box is for E5300 then you might have got a tampered box do check about it
ggt said:
cross check with the receipt you've got about what you have purchased.
Also if you have the processor box check that too.
Match the serial nos
I think in probability he gave you a E7500 but if the box is for E5300 then you might have got a tampered box do check about it

Ok I'll do that. The receipt says E5300 and so does the Box. I'll need to check the Serial Numbers though. Would the Serial No. be printed on the processor as well, and can I verify the number somewhere on Intel's website?
Thanks for ur help.
By looking at the screenshot, you really bought E7500 :D lol..stuff like these too happen. If the box also is of E5300, then I think they mistakenly inserted a E7500 instead of E5300. The clock speed is also correct, your's is running E7500 with 2.9 GHz. I dont think My Computer can show you wrong details. Also you are seeing the same click speed i.e. 2.9 GHz on the BIOS also. So thats C2D E7500 for sure.
saqib_khan said:
By looking at the screenshot, you really bought E7500 :D lol..stuff like these too happen. If the box also is of E5300, then I think they mistakenly inserted a E7500 instead of E5300. The clock speed is also correct, your's is running E7500 with 2.9 GHz. I dont think My Computer can show you wrong details. Also you are seeing the same click speed i.e. 2.9 GHz on the BIOS also. So thats C2D E7500 for sure.

Whoa! Now that's amazing news! I didn't know that could happen.

Guess what, I had checked the computer at the store before taking the delivery and asked the guy incharge why this is so... He gave me an e5300 box and said this was the box in which the CPU was, and although I told him the MyComputer properties shows e7500 which is actually a more powerful processor than the e5300(LOL.. yes, I did say that to someone who sells computers :D... but then I wanted to make sure I wasn't taking home something that I didn't pay for since it could amount to stealing), he said I could take it without worry.

Now there could be just two possibilities:-
a) there's something wrong with the Mobo or
b) I'm plain lucky since even after I told him its an e7500 the seller wanted me to take it :)

You know what, the Bios even says e7500 next to 2.9Ghz.


Hey bro,

I just found this online -> Intel® Processor Identification Utility - Intel® Processor Identification Utility support <-- and am taking the downloaded file home to tonight. Will tell you what it says on my setup.

As far as I could find on the internet, XP usually shows either the exact processor or lower than it (if it is running in a 'power saving' mode). Also, like I said, even Win7 showed E7500 with 2.93Ghz, so if there's a problem with the computer it has to be a level below the O/S i.e. probably in the BIOS settings (or if the BIOS is setup correctly, then maybe I'll have to check one level lower i.e. the actual H/W itself).

But till then, let me revel in the thought that I've got something better for the price of something a little lesser than it :D
You can also try CPU-Z software. Google it and download. (offtopic: If you really showed that shopkeeper that its showing E7500, and he told you that its not a problem, then you are actually not stealing or its not a bad act, dont worry, cheers for the more powerful processor)
saqib_khan said:
You can also try CPU-Z software. Google it and download. (offtopic: If you really showed that shopkeeper that its showing E7500, and he told you that its not a problem, then you are actually not stealing or its not a bad act, dont worry, cheers for the more powerful processor)

My thoughts exactly! (and that's also what thought when I showed it to him, so my conscience is clear :D )
And thanks a ton for suggesting CPU-Z, I've downloaded that one and am gonna check it out tonight.

P.S. My HD5670 1GB arrives tomorrow IA :)
Proccy- Intel Dual Core E5300 -3.3k

M/B- Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L -2.4k ,

Ram- Corsair CM2X2048-6400 2GB -2.2k

GPU-Sapphire HD 4670 512MB DDR-III [HDMI] -4.3k

HDD- WD 250GB Blue 3.5" -2k

Cabinet- Zebronics Bijili cabby w/o SMPS - 1.1k

PSU - Zebronics Pro 350w -1.5k

Micorsoft/Logitech combo - 0.7k

Total -17.5k

+1 awesome rig under ur budget
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