Need to buy a DVD/Divx player

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Recently download an 'super high' quality Xvid encoded file. My philips 5106k/97 refuses to play the video, and only plays audio. But like I said, its an exception, the xvid was meant to play on HDTV's so these kind of HQ xvids are hard to come by....

Here are the settings (the file opened in GSPOT)

^^Philips does that too and has 720p over HDMI as well. DVP5965 is the model I think and sells for arnd 5500 bucks. It even has USB input so no need to burn dvds. Just dump stuff on an external hard disk and watch :P.
Sorry for bumping up old thread again and again, but is 5106k outdated now?

This is the Divx File I burnt on Sony DVD RW and played it in my 5106k. There were noticeable lags, framerates are slow often. and its been happening for a while now.

Here's the file opened in GSpot :

Is it time to sell this bugger and get a new one or is something else wrong?
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