25K+ Need to buy a new phone

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Hello All,

This is my first post and I am really confused.

I have a OnePlus One and an Htc One M7. I want to sell both and buy a new phone. Why? Htc One M7 is 2 years old and (the servicing is pathetic in Kolkata) and want to change it and next I am fed up with the touch screen problems (ghost touch) in OPO. Just when everything seems right, the touch problem starts.

So whats next for me? I need advice like which phone can I buy which will be sustainable for atleast next 2 years like my Htc One M7 (it was and still is fabulous). My budget os around Rs 30,000 - Rs 40,000.

I have never tried an IOS or Windows. Have always been an Android fan. Should I go for an iPhone? Though it has flaws (every phone has) I simply loved the 5s which my friend has. The design is so awesome.

Can anyone help me and suggest me something good please.

Also if anyone is suggesting a phone please also let me know the reason for your suggestion.

Thanks in advance.
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I am not relying on OnePlus since I have been using One Plus One. They are not reliable in the long run. Too much issues with very less fixes. The ghost touch issue was found 1 year back. It still exists. No patches removed the issue. Now they are telling its a hardware glitch.
I am also a Android user but I used iPhone 6 and that is a brilliant phone i must say.
If you do not run Google apps much then you can go for Windows because that is the smoothest OS i found at the moment.
Here are some recommendations:

  • LG G3 (I Used this and found that new UI is good)
  • Sony Xperia Z3 (Increased performance after Lollipop update)
  • Samsung S6 or S6 Edge (Never used but looks cool with good performance)
  • LG G Flex 2 (Looks expensive)
  • Apple iPhone 6 (No doubt at all this is the best)
  • Nokia Lumia 930 (This has good specs and great camera)
LG G4 or Galaxy S6 or Moto Turbo which one is better?
better at what ? you've not mentioned what you want.

battery life on the S6 isn't as good, drain issues. maybe fixed in 5.1 we will have to see

g4 has replaceable battery, provision of sd card, bigger screen, manual camera with raw.

turbo will be the most affrodable, very good at all things but camera requires 3rd party software.
If you think M7 is a good phone, then an M8 will be the best upgrade for you. I know guys who have gone back to their M8 after buying and using S6.
It has excellent battery life and is a very good upgrade over M7 for someone who is used to an M7.
better in what way ?

i can see the argument for an m8 owner not needing to upgrade so soon. But why not for an m7 owner ?
IMO, the M9 hasn't got anything over the M8 and the price difference being at around 20k (if one has no issues purchasing a used mint phone from abroad) makes the M8 an insanely better choice.
If warranty and RMA hassles are what is disturbing the OP, then he should just go with Apple as everyone knows how good they are in ASS.
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