Need to learn how to make Android Apps

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avi said:
like I have to learn objective c ? please tell me more :)
Yup if you want to go for iOS, Learning Objective C is a must. BTW though Obj. C is of C family but they do have many diff.

But as you know C++, you'll find many similarities :)
avi said:
^thanks a lot. I will give a try :)
You are welcome :)

Once upon a time, I was too interested on Android Development, I'm interested now also, but really I don't get that much time to dedicate to it. Will surely RnD one day :)

Just stopped at simple Hello World program, never got more time to dedicate for it :P
krishnandu said:
You are welcome :)

Once upon a time, I was too interested on Android Development, I'm interested now also, but really I don't get that much time to dedicate to it. Will surely RnD one day :)

Just stopped at simple Hello World program, never got more time to dedicate for it :P
I'm aiming at hello world as of now :-)
Apologizes for not replying earlier here, may be it will be helpful to lida / others.

There are cross compilers and there are lot other tools which makes very easy to dev apps. [read : very easy]

One good example is Corona SDK - Ansca Mobile's advanced mobile app development tool It is really very good and with single coding you can dev apps for both iOS and Android. The community, support everything is good.*

other is - Design Then Code ~ iPhone & iPad Interface Design Tutorials this also makes easier to dev apps.

there are other few, I forgot names, as I was not interested.

*Now, if it so good and makes easier then why I am not using that ? Reason is simple, it makes you dependent. You have to dependent on those SDK completely. That's why I have started learning iOS myself and now I working on a small GUI calculator app [Google for code :P]. Trust me it is very interesting !

dev link -

dhruv, bassam are also in contact with me over FB, we gonna start learning together soon :bye22:
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