need to setup a wifi connection

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What are the components that i need to setup a wifi connection between my main rig and my download rig.

And please tell me the best components and their prices (I am in chennai)!!!

The maximum range should be within 25 feet.

Please suggest me!!!!!
if both of them are desktop pcs...two wifi dongles will do...why do u need wifi btw? do u move them around frequently...if not consider a wired connection...
For just 25 feet, a cable actually makes more sense. More stable connection and all that. But if you must have wifi, then the cheapest option would be to install a wifi adapter on both PCs and set them up in adhoc mode. However, a simpler option would be to get a wireless router as well and have both PCs connect to each other and the internet via the router.
one option is u can buy a wifi router, connect it via lan , buy a wifi card for another rig , then access other rig via router. and u can simultaneous download on both Pcs. Howz that.:hap2:
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