Need Urgent Help on Buying Xperia S from Adexmart

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Hi guys, today I went to nearly 9 shops near my house for buying a new Xperia S, as I have decided finally that I am going to buy that. All of them are offering me 27K which is lesser than FK but more than a website called adexmart.

Sony Xperia S Android Mobile Phone -White - adexmart

It is offering the cheapest price amongst all the websites. I just wanted to ask you that if I buy from them then:
Will I get genuine, sealed and perfect product?
Will the product be India distributed? I am asking this becuase one of the local mobile dealer today said that these products are imported from Nepal and they don't give manufacturer warranty but give seller warranty, is this true?
Will I get proper warranty from Sony, I mean will they certify adexmart as a genuine dealer?

I wanted to call adexmart but I did not see any toll free number, they just offer contact tickets, seems like it is still a small company.

Please answer my above 3 questions.
A friend bought a Sony Neo L from them it took about a two weeks for the product to come. The box was damaged but phone was not, the bill was not in the packaging contacted them via phone they say they will send the bill in a few days. Overall it was not a great experience since COD was not supported in his area he was terrified for those 2weeks while the phone was in transit :P

EDIT: I would advice you to buy locally if you can get the price to 26.5K its worth the extra 500 bucks but not more.
Seems like your friend had a bad experience because COD area not being supported, but for me as COD area is supported I just hope, it reaches me faster than 7 days.
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