The Sorcerer said:0x0000009c usually comes for hardware issue. Use memtest 86+ to test the rams and hd tune's error scan. If you had a proper power supply, I would have suggested orthos to test the system stability @ default. But with this chances are high that the stress testing will be more than enough to stress your psu and damage the system further. Even if you change the psu now, that doesn't mean that the problem will get resolved since its damaged because of the extreme 500w. Which is why people stress on no extreme series but they seem to turn a blind eye- and they end up with such problems.
As of now- do the 2 things I have told you. Scrap the psu and get a good power supply Only after that use orthos and stress test the system for 5-6 hours to make sure other components are working properly. After that use this: rthdribl - Real-Time High Dynamic Range Image-Based Lighting 1.2 - to stress test your GC.
Interesting part is here we are- despite the best of advices given to you over here:, you decided to grab some other psu. And now- here you are. You learnt this wisdom which did cost you 20k- but you were unwise not to acknowledge that since we were the ones who have that learnt the hard way.
Moral of the story: When the good folks of TE said no extreme series- they really meant it. Prevention is better than cure- but some people are funny and learn this the hard way by themselves. FYI- you cant avail warranty if a product is burnt.
The suggestions u are talking about....well.....I could not get VIP Silver/gold......I bought it from the lynx store btw....from amarbir....he suggested me to buy that psu....and..
Amien said:It's alright, get a CM EP 460W or so, that should suffice...
this post encouraged me to buy Cm extreme power plus 500W....
And I never came accross anyone saying ''dont buy cm extreme''.....Although Im not making any comment on the quality or how good that product really is....I just want to solve my problems....