Netgear 614 WLAN router : problem with coverage

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uh sure buffalo would cover it all?
did you try playing arnd with the placement?

install netstumbler on a laptop or stumbler on your iphone to get a signal reading in the problem areas...

on a side note, why not get a addl cheap router to use as a repeater?
Well, I've heard the bufallo one is more powerful ... a friend of mine had it ... works pretty well .. but not 100% sure :(

Hmm. Shall try the placement thing ...
put a good antenna. will make much much more difference than changing the router with same type of different brand.
BEST PRICE FOR IT BUT IF ANY 1 wanna buy wired 8port switch PM me.
considering your price of wireless .i have decided to sell my 8 port netgrear switch bought for 1000k at just rupees 500rs only.
for more details click on the below link

FS608 -
predatorvj said:
BEST PRICE FOR IT BUT IF ANY 1 wanna buy wired 8port switch PM me.
considering your price of wireless .i have decided to sell my 8 port netgrear switch bought for 1000k at just rupees 500rs only.
for more details click on the below link

FS608 -

why dont you start a new thread for sale? anyway, how old is this port and do you have bill and warranty? where are you from?
how many floors does your house have :S

my WRT 54G can get through from my first floor to ground floor at diagonally opposite corners, 62% signal...
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