linuxtechie said:
Hi All,
My router WGR614v5 just stopped working this morning. All of its led glowed when started but the Test LED never switched off. It is not responding to ping on wired connection (although it does correctly show correct connection number). Also the reset factory setting doesnot work. Its just 2 years old!!!
I hate Netgear
Well things got fixed, using following procedure:
Please try a different type of Hard resetting procedure
* Importante Note:
+ Step 1 thru Step 4 will clear your entire router settings. Before you start these steps, go to "Setting Backup" and back your configuration and restore after you done your procedure.
+ How do you restore after Hard Resetting?
# You can try and go straight into "Settings Backup" or you can run "Netgear Smart Wizzard" and setup at least your broadband setup and restore the configuration.
* Step 1
o Regular hard rest requries approx. 10sec of holding. This aslo apply for "Forgotten or Lost Router Password"
* Step 2
o Hold on to the reset button for a total of 1 minute. At the same time,for the first 20secs ,let the power cable be plugged in the router,for the next 20secs, unplug the power cable,for the last 20secs,once again plug in the power cable of the router. (note: you need to hold on the reset button for the entire 1 minute,donot let it go)
o 60sec hard reset will clear the memory and flush it.
o Check the lights on the router and try to login to the router configuration page. (Note:Resetting the router will erase all the configuration and router has to be reconfigured with new settings.)
o Holding reset for minutes can revert to original firmware. (Known for FVS318v24, not sure for others)
o 60sec hard reset will clear the memory and flush it.
* Step 4
o For most netgear router under settings backup, you should able to find option for "revert to factory default settings" After each firmware upgrade use this option. This will ensure you that your firmware will be loaded correctly.
By passing "Netgear Smart Wizzard" (This url may behave differently with all the Netgear Router)
o These option may not work on some routers. If you still get "Netgear Smart Wizzard", please follow the wizzard.
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VPN Case Study Site