PC Peripherals New Apple iMacs, Mac Minis, Mice, etc

Apple is too flashy with a a bit less on features. If it werent were for the Superb usability factor (and trend setting stuff they do)I would have written off apple for a company meant for fancy chicks.:rofl:

Indian prices are too good to be true.:bleh: 21 inch imacs usually cost above 1 lac here
man ur soo multi talented, techie god, apple hater AND shrink now since uve analised how us fanboi's react aswell..youve been doin this since long havent you, lots of time on your hand? u even go to an extent of making me lick your boots. lol im sure u have a whole lota followers who wouldnt mind doing just that, but rather then asking me to move on and ignore your supposed technology filled posts.... its you who should be movin on really, arent u 29? isnt this getting boring already? but i guess mohali isnt all that exciting. ne way i have a life to lead mr god. u can take all your degress and work exp and shove it down a toliet for all i care. u dont know me so dont judge me as aswell.

and a post like i saw the same shit in some mag is not gonna make any diff to any1 here.. but expect fanbois to come out when u keep posting stupid msgs on all apple threads. at the end of the day forums r supposed to fun, hater comments arent gonna help your popularity aswell. think about it. maybe its just coz of the way u post and how u post it.
@Gowt1ham: Actually iMac's and Mac Book's are some of the few apple products that are decently priced in India. The 24" iMac was earlier selling for something like 80k odd some time back. Not bad considering apple's tend to be costly.

My company used to get all our Mac's (iMac's, Mac Pros and Mac Book Pro's) from Singapore. But now at least some of the machines seem to be being acquired from India itself. However employees who want to get Mac Books for themselves always prefer to get them from US as our employees get special discount from Apple Stores in US and it seems apple dealers in India do not offer this discount.
I Apologize for my rude retaliatory replies to toxicdrift and Macinstein. I don't think I would ever want to stoop as low as toxicdrift and get into personal insults. I understand these people are too hot headed to understand freedom of speech and expression of opinion, so henceforth I will just ignore any replies they make over my posts.
ok for once i really think mods should consider some policy where the Apple Threads should stick on the Topic, i mean the Thread is supposed to be about New Apple Products and Price indications.

I really don't intend to see alternatives or any other bull crap about how Mrs Apple gave sexual favors to other companies on design docs and stuff.

Lets for once stick to topic?

Edit- @lord nemesis

somehow i applaud your anti-apple knowledge man..but id rather say you should start a blog or something about it rather then getting into flame wars at public forums
Fc*k, I thought this a forum frequented by some guys with good knowledge of technology and most importantly, a passion for technology.

I fail to understand how someone who is passionate about technology is so willing to s*ck up to Apple Inc, which is more of a cult than a technology company.

What is so novel about Macs... I fail to understand. They are good for dumb people, who don't know how to install an anti-virus software or configure a firewall. Fine, application-based Leopard is great but there is not much wrong with Windows 7 either.

On any day, I will chose the ability to tweak and configure that Windows+and accompanied hardware provide than go for a closed eco-system.

I would have done a detailed hardware profiling (taking the cost of original/free windows programs into account) and showed how dumb of a machine the new iMac is. but that is for some other place ;)

There is only one product worth buying from Apple and that is its entry level iBook. Rest is just rip off.
toxicdrift said:
monger no one's lickin any1's balls here, but since your so intersted in talking about them, maybe you really need 2 get a pair. and if that was the case people owning windows system since 95/98 would have licked microsofts balls so bad no hair would be growing on it.

people buy apple products coz they think they r good and they like them, dont u have a particular brand of mouse u like? or a particular brand on dvd player? just coz they work well and you have always had less problems using them. doesnt that make u a supposed "ball licker" or a fanboi aswell. man you talk about constructive conversation, but u post a nonsense post which doesnt even make sense.

as for lord, weather u like or not always post some shit or the other about apple. and if u want to have a blind eye about it then fine. but dont give attention to his crap post and add fuel to the fire, if some new apple product is launched, id want to know what indian techies feel about it. and off comes lord withhis usual blaber like ahh i saw this shit 2 yrs back n all. like hes the all knowing god of all tech. even if he finds something half decent hell post soemthing which is not required or has got nothing to do with the product. who gives a damn if a korean company made this product 2 yrs back... i dont .. and apple doesnt. why post something like that??

just one simple reason..
put down apple.. piss off the fanboi's

thats why i call him a hater. maybe u should dictionary that too.

Ok long things short,
If you go gaga praising apple, its fine, if someone gives some valid criticism it bad?

You know instead of jus going on and on, read his posts without a bias..
And the way you're goin you'l earn your self an infraction..
Lastly, the person you're so blatantly abusing, is someone with a lot of knowledge, if you dont lik his posts jus cause it spoils up party ignore them, but dont start flaming..my last post here..
@ Lord

Are you talking about Fujitsu FMV series or Averatec all in one desktops by any chance?


You want to know what an Indian buyer feels about the Apple computer products??

Its simple. Its too freakin expensive.

The base model macbook is only thing that makes sense to me. ( that too has options, but if you must have OSX, this makes most sense and it looks good and you get that FREE Apple owner smug smile on your face. )....... (Shhhhhhhh i own macbook too, but dont tell anyone )

The iMacs are simply not going to capture market in India, same goes to Macbooks. An average Indian household buyer will first see economics, and then everything else.
For the guys who keep shouting out loud about the so called bad price to value equation for Macs (thus supposedly making the fit only for non technical people)

a) there is nothing wrong with being a non techie guy... Your city's top neurosurgeon (who is incidentally a lot smarter than you) will probably know jack about computer geekdom

b) There could be hard core techies who may have gone through the phase of tweakings and customizations, and as much as they enjoy it may not have enough time on their hands anymore (due to other non-tech responsibilities :p) wan something that just works out of the box without pending several man hours of effort to get it to work the way they want? And thus are willing to pay an extra premium for that

Time out..this thread was meant to be a discussion on the new launches, and not a discussion on what an abomination Apple is as a firm (as some are so bent to prove)
The level of ignorance here baffles me, really.

The reason for using dictionary reference was to bring more clarity to the word used in the original post, i don't see how that's trolling.

Seriously, its for everyone to see who has a knack for breaking apart posts all the time and who doesn't.

And If someone says an Apple product is useless because it can't be used to GAME. Then that's pretty damn ironic.
morgoth said:
I fail to understand how someone who is passionate about technology is so willing to s*ck up to Apple Inc, which is more of a cult than a technology company.

What is so novel about Macs... I fail to understand. They are good for dumb people, who don't know how to install an anti-virus software or configure a firewall. Fine, application-based Leopard is great but there is not much wrong with Windows 7 either.

There is only one product worth buying from Apple and that is its entry level iBook. Rest is just rip off.

Let me translate: "It's pretty, it's too expensive for me and I'm going to try to insult it."

World Wide Web is invented on the precursor of the modern Mac, Steve Jobs's NEXT workstation...

Inventor of World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, uses Apple Mac

Kevin Mitnick, Hacker, “Most Wanted Computer Criminal†Turned Security Consultant, is Mac User

I don't see how these people/organisations are dumb.
Apple products don't cost that much if you consider TOTAL cost of ownership. For most people they work perfectly. If you sell millions there will of course be deviants.

Apple tops 2009 customer satisfaction
Apple tops 2009 customer satisfaction survey | MacNN

Apple leads HP, Dell in consumer satisfaction survey
Apple leads HP, Dell in consumer satisfaction survey | Electronista
I'm actually done here, and I really don't want to get into the ubiquitous Mac vs PC arguments anymore because they are dull and futile. I encourage everyone else to do the same and spare yourself the hassle.
Ok guys, constructive debates are fine, but personal remarks are gonna invite infractions as they just did.

Since I have not used MAC a lot (yep I cant afford it, and by the little I have seen I am not yet convinced to spend the extra buck, but ofcourse I will try it once, later in life when I can afford it etc..). For the person who was harping about the financial, please check their earnings and post how much do MAC's really contribute to overall profits. (Afaik less then 20%). Also whats with the Apple vs. the world scenario, with people who use MAC products? why does it hit a nerve when anything against the company is discussed, and on the other hand the overawe when any new apple product is released...

The way I see it, the e-orgasm is gonna last only till Steve job's lifetime (no disrespect to him, as he has single handed re-defined technology) but any company who has to report quarterly to the stock exchange commission, the health of its mentor is not a good sign on the company's long term viability.
Macinstein said:
Let me translate: "It's pretty, it's too expensive for me and I'm going to try to insult it."
I am sorry that i don't agree, cause I can definitely afford a Mac.

But you know what, I don't want to shut my eyes by shelling out $400 for 4870, a PREVIOUS gen card that is going to be bundled with NEW iMacs. :tongue:

Now come on, if Apple is really serious about consumers it would have gone for HD5770... not only this company is ripping off people but also selling them older technology. so much for cutting edge :no:
normal humans who love technology for what it is know apple is just beautifully designed crap! it is too expensive and for the same amount of money you get a machine powered by windows/linux which can do everything 10 times better and is faster.

for the abnormal lot who place emphasis on looks would say apple is better--and they are usually the ones who have no regard for money--they would rather burn money on rubbish made by apple than be sensible and spend the same amount getting something better that would perform better and would last longer.

apple is all plastic like aishwarya rai--all show and no go---or all fart and no sh*t!

you may argue that windows is crappy---atleast microsoft built the crappy windows from scratch--themselves rather than tweak and modify a bsd distro with cosmetic touches.

for the smart lot--if you want the only thing owned by apple that is worthwhile--their os--get a hackintosh machine.for amd users--help is at hand with the latest iDeneb osx 10.5.7
For the guys who say Windows does do everything better is not true, creative people swear by MAC's and so do a lot of musicians.

And Sunny m8 you are seriously misinformed, if you believe windows was built from scratch, had to delete your post for the sanity of the thread :)

morgoth said:
I am sorry that i don't agree, cause I can definitely afford a Mac.

But you know what, I don't want to shut my eyes by shelling out $400 for 4870, a PREVIOUS gen card that is going to be bundled with NEW iMacs. :tongue:

Now come on, if Apple is really serious about consumers it would have gone for HD5770... not only this company is ripping off people but also selling them older technology. so much for cutting edge :no:

You do know that majority of the games wont work on MAC :) so importance of a gaming video card is not high on a MAC buyer's mind.
for people who talk about the simplicity of the aple's osx:

i conducted a small experiment of my own

i took my friend's 13.3inch black mackbook 2007 model to some people in the confines of my old hsg society--

most of them who used windows kept looking for the start button or internet explorer---can't blame them but you would want to see users taking to osx like fish taking to water!

also for some old people --who said accha dikhta hain just reffered to macbook on terms of looks.

on taking it to some 8-10 yr olds they said could groped around and got firefox running got vlc running but asked me about games--i said this doesn't play most games--they said we don't like this laptop--you can't blame them.

apple and osx--it sure looks good but is no good.
Macinstein said:
The level of ignorance here baffles me, really.

The reason for using dictionary reference was to bring more clarity to the word used in the original post, i don't see how that's trolling.

Seriously, its for everyone to see who has a knack for breaking apart posts all the time and who doesn't.

And If someone says an Apple product is useless because it can't be used to GAME. Then that's pretty damn ironic.
Let me translate: "It's pretty, it's too expensive for me and I'm going to try to insult it."

World Wide Web is invented on the precursor of the modern Mac, Steve Jobs's NEXT workstation...

Inventor of World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, uses Apple Mac

Kevin Mitnick, Hacker, “Most Wanted Computer Criminal” Turned Security Consultant, is Mac User

I don't see how these people/organisations are dumb.
Apple products don't cost that much if you consider TOTAL cost of ownership. For most people they work perfectly. If you sell millions there will of course be deviants.

Apple tops 2009 customer satisfaction
Apple tops 2009 customer satisfaction survey | MacNN

Apple leads HP, Dell in consumer satisfaction survey
Apple leads HP, Dell in consumer satisfaction survey | Electronista
I'm actually done here, and I really don't want to get into the ubiquitous Mac vs PC arguments anymore because they are dull and futile. I encourage everyone else to do the same and spare yourself the hassle.

Cant argue with MAcenstien:bleh:
mr.aces& apple lovers--try this experiment out--results would astonish you!

what always looks good is not that good to live with.
I have a genuine question for all of you who have used Mac's..

how important is the hardware in terms of user satisfaction? what I mean is, if Apple started selling OS alone line Windows, then do you think people would still want to own a Apple Desktop/Laptop or they would prefer custom-built rig [for desktop] and any other brand laptop? since you can get same configuration for cheaper price.

leave the looks aside..coz many buyers want their machine to work well. looks matter for first few months only

So, ultimately, what I want to know is, is the Apple brand [their computer part] popular mainly because of the UI [the OS part] or the hardware is AS IMPORTANT as the software part?