CPU/Mobo New Build for Office !!

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1. AMD Athlon II X2 Duel Core 250 1 Rs.3650/- -3.0 GHz, 2 MB L2 Cache,

2. Gigabyte 68 Motherboard, 1 Rs.2750/-
3. 1 GB DDR-2 RAM (Dynet) 1 Rs.1650/-
4. 250 GB SATA HDD (W.D.) 1 Rs.2100/-
I got the quotation from a dealer for the above parts..he is gonna assemble the pc and send it to me...i need the above for doing basic office work..im in mumbai & the guy is gonna deliver in Pune office...I don't really have any idea abt amd builds..are the parts good enuf for general office work & most prolly is the pricing right ??? i m gonna ask for transcend or kingston Ram not paying that much for dynet...

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Ain't nobody interested to give some prices and suggestions ???
salman8506 said:
1. AMD Athlon II X2 Duel Core 250 1 Rs.3650/- -3.0 GHz, 2 MB L2 Cache,

2. Gigabyte 68 Motherboard, 1 Rs.2750/-
3. 1 GB DDR-2 RAM (Dynet) 1 Rs.1650/-
4. 250 GB SATA HDD (W.D.) 1 Rs.2100/-

I got the quotation from a dealer for the above parts..he is gonna assemble the pc and send it to me...i need the above for doing basic office work..im in mumbai & the guy is gonna deliver in Pune office...I don't really have any idea abt amd builds..are the parts good enuf for general office work & most prolly is the pricing right ??? i m gonna ask for transcend or kingston Ram not paying that much for dynet...

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Ain't nobody interested to give some prices and suggestions ???
Too pricey IMO.

Check TheITWares -TheITwares Ecommerce for prices. He is dealer in TE too.

You can better go for this build instead.

1. AMD Athlon II X2 240 1 ~2.8k 2.8 GHz, 2 MB L2 Cache,

2. Gigabyte 68 Motherboard, 1 ~ 2.1k(or Biostar A780L~2.5k)

3. 1 GB DDR-2 RAM (Kingston) 1 ~1.3k

4. 250 GB SATA HDD (Seagate)1 ~1.7k (1.9-2k for 500GB one)

AMD builds are decent for office work. THis config is good enough for basic office work with XP installed. If u are goona use Win7 go for 2GB of RAM.

If Intel then u can get E5300~3k and Gigabyte G41 DDRII/DDRIII mobo ~ 2.6k
First mention your budget. Don't go for Transcend RAM it's having serious RMA issues, instead settle for Kingston/Corsair.

CPU : AMD Athlon II X3 425(2.7Ghz, 3 cores, 1.5MB Cache) Rs.3150
MOBO : Gigabyte GA-M68MT-D3 Rs.2400 (excellent board with full-solid capacitor design)
RAM : (2gb) Corsair Value Select 2GB 240-Pin DDR3 1333 Desktop Memory Rs. 2300
Hard Disk : 250 GB WD Blue Rs.1700
Keyboard + Mouse : Logitech Deluxe 250 PS/2 Desktop Rs.500
Cabinet : Zebronics Kite/Circle Rs.1100 w/SMPS
OPTICAL DRIVE : Samsung/L.G. OEM SATA DVD-Writer Rs.950
LCD : Samsung 16 inch model 633 nw lcd Rs.5000

These are the prices for single piece, you can get better bargain if you're planning to buy >2-3 PCs.
Thanxx for the input guys...according to the dealer in pune intel parts are scarce or some problem due to which he can't deliver intel build..so i opted for amd..and budget as such i don't have one since it is just an office build i want it as cheap as possible and functional ofcourse :) I will speak to him and see what he has to say abt the pricing...thanxx guys for the help :)
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