21-30k New CPU Build advice

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I am in the process of building a PC. I wanted to get the Zen 3 (5500/5600), but looking at the processor prices in India, I'm pretty sure its going launch at a high price. Hence decided to get a B550 motherboard (for future upgrade to zen3 or 4) + a vfm Zen 2 for now.
Can you please give me some recommendations on the processor, motherboard and Ram? I will be using my AMD RX560 GPU for now, and upgrade to a GTX 3060 or equivalent in a few months.

Budget = 28k
Motherboard = 10k [Gigabyre B550M DS3H?] - https://www.amazon.in/GIGABYTE-B550...words=B550+motherboard&qid=1603866546&sr=8-15
Processor = 12k [Ryzen 3500?]
Ram (1x16GB) = 4.5k [Gskill Ripjaw 3000Mhz - CL16-18-18-38?] https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B07NC96CHR/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&psc=1]
SSD (1TB - nvme m.2 970Evo) - Already bought

Can you please validate my choices or provide better recommendations?
As you'll be upgrading later to zen3 or 4. I suggest save some amount on processor. go for ryzen 3100 or 3300x and spend more on motherboard will some extra features or better Vrm.
there are many motherboards available for 14-16k price
here's a good board I'm considering for myself too https://mdcomputers.in/gigabyte-b550-aorus-elite-ax.html
For the ram instead of 1x16gb look for 2x8GB kit, you'll get dual channel benefit and is a noticeable boost.
look for something like this - https://www.amazon.in/HyperX-3200MH...FhUl4VwMzbE4fw/w==&smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&sr=1-3 , this item is on deal right now, plus extra card discount.
so board + processor +ram total is approx 30-32k, so if you can extend your budget a little.
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As you'll be upgrading later to zen3 or 4. I suggest save some amount on processor. go for ryzen 3100 or 3300x and spend more on motherboard will some extra features or better Vrm.
there are many motherboards available for 14-16k price
here's a good board I'm considering for myself too https://mdcomputers.in/gigabyte-b550-aorus-elite-ax.html
For the ram instead of 1x16gb look for 2x8GB kit, you'll get dual channel benefit and is a noticeable boost.
look for something like this - https://www.amazon.in/HyperX-3200MHz-Desktop-Memory-HX432C16FB3/dp/B07WJJ9CNG/ref=sr_1_3_mod_primary_lightning_deal?dchild=1&keywords=ddr4+8gb&qid=1603867817&s=computers&sbo=Tc8eqSFhUl4VwMzbE4fw/w==&smid=A14CZOWI0VEHLG&sr=1-3 , this item is on deal right now, plus extra card discount.
so board + processor +ram total is approx 30-32k, so if you can extend your budget a little.
Thanks for the suggestion on getting a slightly higher end motherboard. Will look into that option, but it sounds a bit costly :)
And regarding going dualchannel for RAM, I will be adding a second 16Gb stick in a few months, so I think that's covered.
I have the following advice for:
1. Motherboard: I wouldn't worry too much about the motherboard unless you are planning to get a 5 series processor with more than 8 cores later.
2. RAM: I totally agree with the above comments to go for a 16GB kit. I would suggest getting Crucial Ballistix 3000 16GB (8GBx2) CL15.
3. Processor: unless you are in an urgent need to have a system right now, I would wait for a month & spend more money on a Ryzen 5 3600 when it gets cheaper. You wouldn't gain much by going with a 5th gen processor unless you go with very high end GPU (RTX 3060 might not get bottlenecked by the processor) & play at low resolution high framerates or you really need the extra performance for productivity.
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Can you please give me some recommendations on the processor, motherboard and Ram?
Intended usage ?

That Gigabyte board should hold you good - it was/is going for 8700 on Amazon for quite some time. Also what is your current setup ?
I have the following advice for:
2. RAM: I totally agree with the above comments to go for a 16GB kit. I would suggest getting Crucial Ballistix 3000 16GB (8GBx2) CL15.
3. Processor: unless you are in an urgent need to have a system right now, I would wait for a month & spend more money on a Ryzen 5 3600 when it gets cheaper. You wouldn't gain much by going with a 5th gen processor unless you go with very high end GPU (RTX 3060 might not get bottlenecked by the processor) & play at low resolution high framerates or you really need the extra performance for productivity.
Regd. the RAM, would it be compatible with any B450/B550 + Ryzen 3600/5600 combo? Can I buy this in advance and keep?
Your comment on the processor makes sense. I'm going to wait a 2-3 weeks and check the prices of 5600x and 3600 and decide which one to go for.

Intended usage ?

That Gigabyte board should hold you good - it was/is going for 8700 on Amazon for quite some time. Also what is your current setup ?
Which one? The DS3H, right? Would it hold good for 7+ years?

Usage : 1080p gaming (4k, if possible), and some, media center, Adobe apps (illustrator etc.,)

I have a super old setup - Core i5 760, 8GB DDR3, RX560. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to go this far with it.
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Regd. the RAM, would it be compatible with any B450/B550 + Ryzen 3600/5600 combo? Can I buy this in advance and keep?
Your comment on the processor makes sense. I'm going to wait a 2-3 weeks and check the prices of 5600x and 3600 and decide which one to go for.
Yes it will be compatible with most of the B450 & B550 boards. For confirmation, I would advice you to decide on a motherboard first if possible & if its compatibility list contains this model, then you should go for it.

For the gigabyte board that you have selected, the above set of RAMs seem to be supported. Check here.
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Regd. the RAM, would it be compatible with any B450/B550 + Ryzen 3600/5600 combo? Can I buy this in advance and keep?
Compatibility, yes. But if you are buying it in advance, you would loose return/exchange window if it's DoA.

Which one? The DS3H, right? Would it hold good for 7+ years?
Yes, DS3H. 7 years from socket wise is doubtful - may be AMD would release one Zen3 refresh cycle next year but that's it on this socket. 7 Years from longevity point of view is totally unpredictable !
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Went with the below,

I went with Ryzen 3600 for my build. Couldn't find a new one in the market, but found a used one with few months usage (from marketplace)
  • Ryzen 3600
  • Asrock B450m A/C WiFI
  • 8GB x 2 Corsair Vengeance
  • 1TB NVMe Sammy Evo+
Would be replacing the following in the next few months,
  • The stock CPU Cooler
  • AMD RX560
  • CM Gladiator 600 Case
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