Monitors New Dell 27" monitor

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stalker said:
Dealers here often crook people,
I'm not quiet sure I get what you are implying here. How is it an issue if someone knows what they should be paying before hand?
I don't see how hiding your quote is gonna help anyone but the rep you spoke with.

I don't want to give anyone a benchmark for a price. A couple of people have already PMed me, and I've given them the price I got. Getting better prices is up to them. If I intended to start a GO, I might have mentioned prices, but I'm going to be overseas for a bit and work is not leaving me with time enough to set up things. PMs I can reply to.

^About the dealers thing, we know it's a fact. Not all of the time and not with all dealers, which is why the word "often" was used. There are some really honest blokes that I have dealt with, others not necessarily in connection with TE (but they do business here as well) are in it for the money. Yes, commissions must be made, but not at huge percentages.

^Techhead, H-IPS like the HP LP2475W? That was a brilliant panel, I tested one - really crisp colours without any over saturation - just rich and lively. Very good CR too. Why no wide gamut?
Vandal said:
Ajay, what I'm also saying is, 2560 x 1440 isn't a non-standard res, like say 1428 x 1120 (which nobody will have heard of). After all, 2560 x 1600 (16:10) has been around for awhile and this is simply the corresponding 16:9. Say, can you name a few games that support 2560 x 1440? How common is it?

It isn't a non standard resolution for sure, but still a super high resolution like 2560 x 1600. So Its quite possible that a game supports 1920 x1080 (16:9) and 1920 x 1200 (16:10) but not 2560 x 1440 and 2560 x 1600.

If its only about supporting 16:9, its more of a standard than 16:10 IMO. LCD TV's are 16:9 and most multi-platform games are also designed naively for 16:9. There are games which implement 16:10 resolutions by rendering at nearest 16:9 and then stretching them to 16:10. If I remember right Bioshock had a lot of onscreen content naively designed for 16:9 and stretched to fill the screen in 16:10.

So I don't think you will have problems with respect to the 16:9 resolutions, the more likely problem would be support of super high resolutions.
Lord Nemesis said:
It isn't a non standard resolution for sure, but still a super high resolution like 2560 x 1600. So Its quite possible that a game supports 1920 x1080 (16:9) and 1920 x 1200 (16:10) but not 2560 x 1440 and 2560 x 1600.

If its only about supporting 16:9, its more of a standard than 16:10 IMO. LCD TV's are 16:9 and most multi-platform games are also designed naively for 16:9. There are games which implement 16:10 resolutions by rendering at nearest 16:9 and then stretching them to 16:10. If I remember right Bioshock had a lot of onscreen content naively designed for 16:9 and stretched to fill the screen in 16:10.

So I don't think you will have problems with respect to the 16:9 resolutions, the more likely problem would be support of super high resolutions.

Thanks Ajay, exactly what I needed to know. BTW any idea if newer titles are supporting such resolutions? Latest STALKER, Bioshock 2 etc etc.

^Techhead, that is a problem. But then what to do? I wanted something larger than 24-inches. Are there any options that come to mind?
Vandal said:
I don't want to give anyone a benchmark for a price. A couple of people have already PMed me, and I've given them the price I got. Getting better prices is up to them. If I intended to start a GO, I might have mentioned prices, but I'm going to be overseas for a bit and work is not leaving me with time enough to set up things. PMs I can reply to.

^About the dealers thing, we know it's a fact. Not all of the time and not with all dealers, which is why the word "often" was used. There are some really honest blokes that I have dealt with, others not necessarily in connection with TE (but they do business here as well) are in it for the money. Yes, commissions must be made, but not at huge percentages.

^Techhead, H-IPS like the HP LP2475W? That was a brilliant panel, I tested one - really crisp colours without any over saturation - just rich and lively. Very good CR too. Why no wide gamut?

hey Vandal plz pm me the price too........ plzzzz
predatorX said:
hey Vandal plz pm me the price too........ plzzzz

Replied. Please PM me, and I'll reply.
^Ajay, waiting for a reply. Not sure, but does any of your work involve working with game developers?
Ah prad has it up. It's H-IPS - same as the LP2475W.
Thanks techhead - didn't know that. Thought E-IPS was some lower quality version.
The monitor is actually on sale now from dell

My friend just called them this evening and booked one. 4 weeks waiting time. Cost him around 50k
We can contact the Sales dept more more info i guess.. anyway if anyone wishes to contact here is the no..18004254026

The Above No given is Dell's Contact No..
What is SMC?
That quote of 50k-odd looks quite stiff considering its US/Singapore price. :( By the way if anyone wants to see how the 2560x1440 resolution would look like, check out this JPEG (no thumbnail) -
If opening in a browser or Windows Picture Viewer, make sure to set the zoom level to 100% - otherwise the full-blown awesomeness of the resolution does not quite hit home that hard. It is a definite improvement over just about any existing monitor (barring those who already have 30-inchers).
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