Okay bro, lets get some things out of the way first:-
1)Do your research properly and find out for yourself what level of performance you want. Do not get things just for the heck of it.
2)Read announcments/sticky topics.
3)Get someone to help you out with the posts. Most people here are quite tolerant to spelling/grammatical errors, but in this case understanding your posts is a problem, so it's best to get rid of that communication gap.
4)If you are convinced about what you want, just buy it. Decide for yourself whether you want to take advice or not.
A few cliff notes that im willing to make for you(and im going to be a bit sarcastic for my troubles

*A core i7 config is both beyond your budget and requirement.
*Memory size on the Graphics card does not mean anything if not taken into the picture along with the speed of the memory and the bus size. Eg., A 512MB GDDR3 card will outperform a 1GB DDR2 card 99 out of 100 times.
*i7 with 9500GT(s) is like a Ferrari Enzo with solid, wooden wheels from a bullock cart.
*SLi is pointless 9 times out of 10, and only worth it when you can already purchase the most powerful single card money can buy, (i.e. GTX 285?).
*Avoid CM Extreme Power 600W and buy some fireworks instead if you enjoy watching stuff blow up.
*AMD is not an evil company made by Bill Gate's alter ego. BSODs are exclusive to AMD in the same way viewing lesbian porn on the internet is exclusive to females.
Bottomline: Go with Dark Star's suggestion w/o asking questions.