Graphic Cards New GTX 280/260 4870x2 4870 Review HOCP


Mar 17, 2005
Class M Planet
lol H really need to drop a ball and make their reviews simpler.

All cards are running at different settings and resolutions and then they put them in 1 chart :p

They are kidding themselves if they think everyone else is dumb enough not to understand simple FPS numbers of all the cards at different resolutions :p

If they think they are making things simpler, they are only confusing a bloke who dont know these things and is going to make a decision based on this review. :p


Aug 26, 2006
Shripad said:
lol H really need to drop a ball and make their reviews simpler.

All cards are running at different settings and resolutions and then they put them in 1 chart :p

They are kidding themselves if they think everyone else is dumb enough not to understand simple FPS numbers of all the cards at different resolutions :p

If they think they are making things simpler, they are only confusing a bloke who dont know these things and is going to make a decision based on this review. :p

Yep, But the point being that higher clocks do push these cards to much better performance. 55nm whenever that comes will prolly see a shift in the performance crown for the fastest single card (probably with a single gpu).