New Heavy Rain details emerge

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Today I recieved ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE informations about one of the most awaited PS3 games: Heavy Rain. I will list and explain some details that I obtained and that will spread on the web as soon as possible.

At first I want to analyze the structure of the storyline: in Heavy Rain we will be able to use four different characters. Each one of them will follow his own path that, as we can imagine, will converge with the other characters’ ones, to finally define only one big plot. During the game, every choice will modify the storyline that - I confirm it - will lead us to different endings. Different-paths lead to Differet-endings.

David Cage has never been totally clear about gameplay, leaving a lot of doubts to players and press. Heavy Rain was described to me as an adventure based on three main elements: Investigation, Conversation, Quick Time Events. What does it mean? It means that there won’t be active shootings/fightings, so that the gameplay will move on a simil-GraphicAdventure style, even if it will mantain different elements from real graphic adventures. Quick Time Events will be an important aspect of the game, but they can be considered only a part of a more complex gameplay. Investigation, Conversation, QTE.

Now i’ll spend few words about GameOver: it doesn’t exist. If a character dies, the plot goes on even if that path has been interrupted, modifying the other ones.

Another important point is the game-length. Heavy Rain will have an Inverted-lenght, and here I’ll try to be more clear:

if the player isn’t such a good videogamer, the plot will end in a really short time (here we talk about 4 hours). On the other side, if the player is really good, the plot will result more complex, so that it could end after over 12 hours. My reliable source talks about “Faster-ending Paths” that will be suggested to the player, and that will make the game-experience shorter. Thanks to all the alternative paths, a good replayability is ensured.

Obviously, Heavy Rain will be shown at the E3 and it seems that Quantic Dream is preparing something really big for Los Angeles. Heavy Rain will be out on Fall 2009.

Source: New Details of Heavy Rain [English Version] - UPSBlogIt

If you want more details....Heavy Rain is being covered by Heavy Rain for PS3 1UP Cover Story and a New In Game Footage will be made available on Friday :hap2:
Bring it on Quantic Dreams. This is will turn out to be Fahrenheit 2.0. :ohyeah:

I loved Fahrenheit & the level of immersion it had. Saw a couple of actual gameplay footage of Heavy Rain & boy oh boy, this should be one hell of a game.
I guess this is why they are Playstation 3 Exclusive -

Indigo opened the way to a different type of experience, giving all the bricks any author would need to tell any kind of story. It was the first time I could only think of what I wanted to tell, what I had to say, and not about what technology to use or what button to press. It was definitely a huge change of paradigm. Sony came to us quickly after Indigo because they enjoyed the game, asked us what we were working on, and we told them about The Casting, this technical demo of a virtual actress in realtime 3D. They offered to give us PS3 dev kits and to present the demo in their booth at E3. Heavy Rain was voted the most anticipated PS3 title after the show, just based on this demo -- and I guess [based] on Indigo -- which definitely proved to us gamers were eager for a different type of interactive experience.

The above is taken from the Interview with David Cage.
I found Fahrenheit downright pointless.
An interesting take on the whole 'interactive movie' thing, but the so-called gameplay was nowhere in sight and the plot was meh.
Err...that was the point of that game where you dont get discontinued from whatever is going on the screen. It had a flow, the whole game was a cutscene :P with QTE added :D
LOL, Indigo was awesome. Call it an interactive movie if you want, it was the game that kept me engrossed in it until I finished it and kept me leaving for more. It has a lot of gameplay in it too, the choices you have to make and the exploring you have to do. I'll put it in the adventure genre.

As for Heavy Rain, I'm kind of putt off with the possibility to have lots of multiple endings....2 per character (one good and one bad) is okay.
I hope they give full control of the camera. Fahrenheit pretty much sucked when it came to navigating camera in a full 360 degree angle. Using L1 & R1 to move the camera angle was such a pain in the ass. Hope they rectify this.
Here how the control layout is -

Quantic Dream's David Cage walked us through a Heavy Rain demo at Games Convention last week, giving us a taste of how the game actually plays. While much of the presentation touched on facets of Heavy Rain's "rubber band" storyline and little things, like motion captured eye movement, Cage paused often to talk up the PlayStation 3 game's control scheme.

We've already written about the driving game inspired character control — the R2 button moves her forward, with the left analog steering her head and shoulders — so let's focus on how everything else is done.

After discussing how the character walks, Cage showed us how to interact with objects. Outside of the residence that the protagonist was investigating were a pair of metal trashcans and a mailbox. Both could be opened with the right analog stick, using forward and back motions that translated to on-screen movement. Pulling back on the stick fully opened the mailbox door fully, pushing it forward closed it. You may have seen this interactivity showcased in the game's Games Convention trailer, with the character opening a refrigerator with a sweeping arc of the right analog stick.

Heading up to the house's front door, a context sensitive control scheme appeared in the bottom right corner, giving us two options — knock or ring the doorbell. Both could done repeatedly, with a side to side motion of the right stick.

Following that, another context sensitive control option became available, letting the player call out to whomever might be inside. This was done with SIXAXIS control, giving us three dialogue options. This could be done in concert with the knocking/doorbell-ringing for maximum annoyance to whomever might be at home.

As the character walked around the house's right side, we encountered a barrel. It wasn't of the exploding type, just a regular, non-combustible barrel that Cage wanted to use as a step. Pushing the object over with the square button, his controlling assistant pushed it forward with a thrust forward of the SIXAXIS. To right it again, he hit the square button.

Heavy Rain also gives players access to internal dialogue. Using the L1 button, we can listen to the main character's thoughts, giving players helpful clues about how to progress or simply to learn her opinion about the pros and cons of the current situation. There were two options when deciding whether to break and enter the house, one "daring", one "cautious."

Much of what we saw in the house was controlled via these methods, with brief Quick Time Events requiring randomized button presses. One, triggered by bumping into an overturned bottle, simply required a quick push of the triangle button.

Perhaps the most interesting implementation of the PlayStation 3 controller was during one of the stealth-action sequences. Forced to hide from the killer during the demo, the protagonist sneaked behind an open door, something that required the player hold X, then the R1 button, then the triangle button.

Another version of this sort of finger Twister game occurred when she sought shelter in a large wardrobe, requiring four consecutive button presses. We didn't actually see anyone from Quantic Dream fail at this, but it added a nice bit of tension to the scene.

Some of these control methods have been featured in Quantic Dream's previous games, but Heavy Rain looks to bring them all together into a cohesive package that feels thoroughly well implemented. We definitely look forward to going hands-on with the PlayStation 3 controller whenever Sony decides that's something it wants us to do.

Its kinda different from other games, but with some practice, we would be fine i guess :D
You walk by holding down R2, and change direction by turning your character's head with the left analog stick.
What the hell? Why walk with R2? :@

I'm confused with the control scheme now. They should have stuck to the same pattern as Fahrenheit. I had no issues, except for the camera navigation. The right analog should have provided full navigational access.

Andy, check this footage out: YouTube - Heavy Rain acutal ingame gameplay footage (PS3)

It looks identical to how Fahrenheit is handled. I'm not sure how they plan to integrate SIX AXIS to this game.
are they integrating SIXAXIS :S

R2 for walking also u have to move ur head to walk in particular direction with Left Analog stick :D

I have chkd the ingame trailer already Ally :P
Look's awesome. The graphics are stunning. This is definitely a day-one buy kind of game. What's with Game Trailers blocking out the cussing words?
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