What I'm saying is that there was no abuse filter for any previous games or may be it's just this trailer itself.
Anyway, downloaded pretty much everything I missed from GT for it's gameplay. Cage confirms the use of SIX AXIS in the game. The blue lagoon club video was amazing. The details presented in this game is enormous. It has a lot more gameplay elements as opposed to Fahrenheit. Now if I could only get a PS3 for myself.
I could buy it when my next paycheck comes in. The only problem is I don't plan to go bankrupt buying the exclusive titles. If only you would bring your ass back from Abu Dhabi, things would have been much easier for moi.
Anyway, if Heavy Rain is releasing this year then I might get the console. Else may settle for the 3-shitty (360).
Did you check out the addition of Added Reality Interface (A.R.I) feature for Jayden's character? It looks really slick. Makes him look more like a forensics expert rather than an FBI agent.
^ethan...as i told, u can get pre-owned games from ebay
also there is a trading community in Orkut, in my profile, u can get it from there too
I wud be there in october, hoping Uncharted 2 to release on schedule in September
b/w from the vids it looks similar to Indigo,but remember you can do the junkyard scene without the having to fight Mad Jack. There will always be the context based inputs like opening the door, pick up sumthing, the scene when he’s going into the crusher and fumbling for the gun, but if you do the sequence where your asked to input buttons to get his drugs out, you would change the scene, and the story, and that’s why I love what I’ve seen so far.