User Guides [New Idea] Use SMPS to power your devices.. !!

I am using BSNL BB since 4-5 years With Type I modem

Recently my modem's adapter got burnt.. OK it served me for a quite ling time .... So I went to BSNL office to purchase new one.. Guy says we are not selling modems now go & get it from open market ... Checked 2-3 shops .. no luck...

searched all home appliance any one using same rating ... again no luck.... not a standard adapter 10 V 550 mA...

I dont want to use some cheep one may damage modem also .. so recalled some electronics & thought why not build one .... OK its not that difficult... but it requires time & .. work ...

Then while searching i got old SMPS in hand saw 12 V 40 A as a output .. Thought We can easily get 10V from 12 V just 2 v Drop ... Connected 3 diodes as 0.6-0.7 V drop per diode 12-2.1=9.9 V assembled some wires & go my modem is working w/o extra adapter .. wOw !!! . . .



Connected this cable to my working SMPS to Modem..... Working since 1 month .... works great.. Side Benefit.. no need to switch on off modem .. Auto switching with PC ...
I am also having BSNL connection for my personal PC but not used a modem like this. I think that was old type modem use new one.
If need the new one Just tell me which place you are ?
Wow. You really did a great job with the Adapter. Applying Science as u learned it.

I tried something similiar but not much with diodes or capacitors.
Got a old electronic trimmer, where the battery is dead. Removed the battery connect to USB and used with my Lappy to power.
When i tried to power for direct power outlet, It got busted.
Wow. You really did a great job with the Adapter. Applying Science as u learned it.

I tried something similiar but not much with diodes or capacitors.
Got a old electronic trimmer, where the battery is dead. Removed the battery connect to USB and used with my Lappy to power.
When i tried to power for direct power outlet, It got busted.

USB is 5 V DC with ~500 mA,
And Direct Power is 230 VAC so much diff
Burning is obvious ...