New Modern Warfare 2 Details Leaked

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Many new key details have been emerging about the hottest upcoming shooter Modern Warefare 2 courtesy of the next issue of Game Informer. Some of these details that were leaked:
  • No co-op in story mode, but separate missions reminiscent of CoD4’s Mile High Club include cooperative multiplayer.
  • In the wintery bits of the game, snowmobiles will be used to escape attack, but it’s unclear whether players will be driving or shooting from the vehicles. Ice walls can also be climbed by alternating between the two triggers.
  • A live-patching system will be implemented for online multiplayer, forgoing the need for a downloadable patch.
  • Game will run at 60 frames-per-second, with better detail than CoD4.
  • Riot shields, movable turrets and customized weapons for single-player enemies were mentioned.
  • Gameplay’s a bit more open-ended than CoD4 but is still linear.
  • Stealth can now be used if you like.
  • Infinity Ward’s working on fixing enemy respawn issues (CoD4’s enemies would constantly respawn unless a player crossed a certain line).
  • The single-player campaign will be longer than it was in CoD4.
Also according to PSM3, a UK based magazine:
  • Swimming mode enabled.
  • A ‘Stealthy’ Oil pipeline Scuba Mission will be included in campaign mode.
  • A level will definetly be based in Rio De Janeiro.
  • Siberian Level will feature in campaign mode.
  • Vehicles (e.g. Trucks, Tanks etc.) will be introduced into the Modern Era.
  • A ‘Helicopter Based’ Level will be featured.
  • An Oil Tanker level will also be featured.
  • Ken Lally (Wesker from Resident Evil 5) will be voice acting. Most likely as a Russian villain.
Modern Warfare 2 Details Leaked | Gossip Gamers
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oooooh scuba diving & swimming, sounds very interesting.

i am disappointed that there is no co-op in SP mode.

good know enemies would constantly not respawn anymore
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