meet6600 said:A Big thanks to all my friends here for Phone Dilemma query here as I am really grateful to All you!!:hap2::hap2:
I visited Ambi Mall Gurgoan on New Year and checked out all models suggested and was really impressed by Nokia N97 Mini!! Very Quick, Hardware keyboard, 5mpx and good audio quality (my requirements) plus the added bonus of smart phone!! But something that got my attention was N79 Black!! I mean I had a N79 4 Months back but after a few days its xpress on covers creaked, keypad creaked, SIM Contacts were not displayed in contacts, and the metal accent below went loose. But the black one at display at two different places in Mall were so awesome in build quality and had nothing I faced in mine. Then upon searching here someone had posted about inferior build quality of earlier N79's so I am confused as the black one really left a good impression!! My N79 gave me some wonderful mobile days so if the new one has better build and better overall quality than previous one's then I would like to have N79 again rather than N97 Mini!! So please help again guys as I am confused between mini and N79 Black new one since the black one seemed much better so would like to know what should I do??:huh::huh::huh: I mean It might be the case that I got an inferior N79 Wotsay??
Srirama said: