New point and shoot: budget 15k

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You are right. Even reviews show that TX1 is a far better camera than WX1. However, they produce dull outdoor images and require some tinkering with settings to get best out of them. And the person, for whom camera was intended for, needed a truly Point - n- Shoot camera.
^ Even I'm looking at buying a gud Point & Shoot for my sister in the same price range. Actually I was looking at W350 & found it gud. Since you ppl have more knowledge about photos & cameras ( I have absolutely no idea & just want best bang for the buck.. ) , What do you ppl suggest ???

& Sorry for the OT, didn't feel like opening a whole new thread about the same thing.
@iq6886, I will suggest that you go to a Camera store and take a demo of both W350 and Ixus120, and pick whatever you like more. :)

I liked Ixus 120 more.

Or, if you are comfortable with grey market stuff, you can get TZ7 as well.
Hey guys thanks for all the input. I finally got an IXUS 120. Its a nice camera and looks really good in brown color. I completely love its video quality. Its superb!! Thanks again....
jampack said:
My recommendations based on my research online.
Ixus 95 (If you do not need HD) -- ~8k

I have a Canon Powershot SX 100 IS and Ixus 95 and both have served me well ... though Ixus is a bit dodgy for outdoor snaps at night, but then I guess most slim point-and-shoot would be (just my guess, don't know for sure).

Then I had a Nikon Coolpix S6 ...loved it for its WiFi...hated it for the artifacts that ended up on the photographs in perfectly normal conditions (fine lighting, no ambient dust/rain or anything) ... threw it on the ground in disgust once....has never breathed again!

OT: Why is it name Ixus...most of the times I end up calling it it 'I Sux'...duh!
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