Reported Screenshots of Prince of Persia(?) Reboot.
A screenshot purporting to be from the Prince of Persia reboot appeared on an official Ubisoft forum over the weekend.
Source: image shows a heavy-set Prince in what looks like an Egyptian setting. The screenshot is obviously taken from a work in progress: the crowd are hovering and various bits of technical data can be seen.
The screenshot is branded 'Pop Zero 2', which probably refers to POP Zero, a reboot of the popular wall-running franchise that was apparently set in the modern day that never saw the light of day.
So is it authentic? We don't know. Ubisoft declined to comment when we asked about the picture above. But the image of the new black prince is consistent with images that leaked on NeoGaf (rumoured to be from a new Prince of Persia game) in the run up to this year's E3.