New PS3, please suggest some games

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I have bought a new PS3 and would like to start gaming after 2 years.

The only games I have been playing is Fifa or PES.

So kindly suggest the games under the foll categories:

Action -

Adventure -

Racing -

Boxing -


Offline Multiplayer-

(Would be great if those games can be played in firmware 3.41 ;) )

Thanks a lot!
Here is my list for the games I need to play asap I buy my new ps3 .. Im buying one tomorrow :D .. here is the list :

infamous (action adventure)

uncharted (action adventure shooter)

uncharted 2( same as above)

gow 1 ,2 ,3 (action adventure )

mgs4 (stealth )

kz2 (action shooter fps)

little big planet ( side scroller kind puzzle based)

heavy rain (full on role playing )

brutal legend ( role playing action adventure)

SLY COLLECTION MUST HAVE !! ( ermm I dunno what to call this one ... its like those hack and slash games meant for younger audience .. but its pretty fun :P )
Action - Devil May Cry 4, GOW 1,2,3

Adventure - Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2

Racing - GT5, DiRT 2

Boxing -

Stealth- Batman Arkham Asylum

Offline Multiplayer- Super Street Fighter
I am playing heavy rain right now. This game is a totally different league. I wonder why they call it a game when its more of a movie. Very engaging and extremely well executed game. This one is a must, after GOW series.
There are lots of racing games available for PS3.I haven't played much racing on this platform so I can't say you much but I suggest you to play Dirt 2.This game is one of the best in it's class and surely deliver you a good experience of racing.Perhaps you can also try GT5 a brand new title on PS3.
uefa_007 said:
Thanks a lot!

Can u plz tell which is the best offline multiplayer car race ?
Don't get GT5 if u like arcadish racers, GT5 is more of a stimulation. New NFS and Dirt 2 (Also Nail'D) are the best racing games released in the past 1.5 years.
Vasishta.Sushant said:
Ask me. I guess I sold my last PS3 because of this very game. Gosh ! That was frakking sleepening.
The game has so many possibilities that its accessible for all types of players, were you able to complete any boss fight ?
MGS GOTP is one of the most peculiar games i've played in my entire life time . The game play is awesome never the less but the story is wierd.
Scorpy said:
SLY COLLECTION MUST HAVE !! ( ermm I dunno what to call this one ... its like those hack and slash games meant for younger audience .. but its pretty fun :P )
Hack and Slash ?

Oh Wow ! That has to be most wayward classification ever used.

Should have used google/game review sites to get hold of proper term like compilation/platformer.

And btw, UC1/UC2 fall in the same category as well.
Spacescreamer said:
Hack and Slash ?

Oh Wow ! That has to be most wayward classification ever used.

Should have used google/game review sites to get hold of proper term like compilation/platformer.

And btw, UC1/UC2 fall in the same category as well.
ermm I just 1 video of it and i liked it .. sorry for not knowing the proper term like compilation/platformer clearly u are more knowledgeable than me .. happy ?
i wasnt indulging in any sarcasm or flaming.

Just meant to be a lil leg pulling which u perceived as something derogatory .. :)

but if you just seen the video and the game appealed to you.. go ahead and play the game. Sly 1 is gonna occupy for abt a good 80% of the time, the rest games are more engaging. Its a fun game and not the thriller types.

I just wish they had some good Duck Tales and Talespin games like that too.
^cool :) ..

I'm also looking forward to play Bionic Commando Rearmed :P ... first my list then all those timepass side scrollers .
Demon's Souls


Valkyria Chronicles

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty

Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

Bayonetta (<-- Get this for the Xbox 360 if you have that as well. better loading times, better graphics)
Start with GOW 1,2,3. Dont try MGS4 if you haven't played previous titles. I have MGS4 but will play only after the collection of previous games hit PS3.

I would suggest to play Uncharted also. It is an amazing adventure game. I am currently playing it.
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