New Quake 3 CPMA Server.

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i'm aware that there aren't too many people who play Q3 online these days but i still do with a couple of friends. have been using FS all these years and a big thank you to Peter, the server owner for keeping them up until now... but i wanted to get my own so i could update it easily with maps and stuff. ended up getting one from v-street today. big thanks to them as well.

if at all there's someone who'd want to play some Quake 3 online, feel free to use my server at

CPMA v1.44 mod is required. As of now, the server is running all default Q3 maps + CPMA mappack + ztn3tourney1 + hub3aeroq3. All modes and gametypes are accessible through votes. defaults to VQ3 1v1.

well yea...
While this news is great, I won't be around to play :( All the best to you and Binoy for ESWC... and kick his ass :P
RiO said:
While this news is great, I won't be around to play :( All the best to you and Binoy for ESWC... and kick his ass :P

RiO , you think any of us stand a chance in q3 against AshR ? Where does the question of kicking my ass come in ?

The reason AshR went to Canada was to master q3 which he has done.

And you should be telling me to kick his ass not the other way around, he doesnt need the encouragement.. lol
Heh true, he doesn't need any encouragement... he's self-motivated when it comes to Q3 :D I'll try to play a few games with you guys today...
i Dont play cause i am slowly moving to UT3.... but i can play once or twice for fun :P

Another reason to stop playing was the BS pings i used to get cause of my ISP :(
I don't know man, I've tried Q4 and moved back to Q3... tried UT3 and realized Q3 still owns :)
ashr said:
i'm aware that there aren't too many people who play Q3 online these days but i still do with a couple of friends. have been using FS all these years and a big thank you to Peter, the server owner for keeping them up until now... but i wanted to get my own so i could update it easily with maps and stuff. ended up getting one from v-street today. big thanks to them as well.

if at all there's someone who'd want to play some Quake 3 online, feel free to use my server at

CPMA v1.44 mod is required. As of now, the server is running all default Q3 maps + CPMA mappack + ztn3tourney1 + hub3aeroq3. All modes and gametypes are accessible through votes. defaults to VQ3 1v1.

well yea...

I've been dying for a 1.16n CTF Rail server. Would it be possible for you to host that mod if I give you the cfg and maybe even the point release?

I've heard about you. I'm kinda n00bish at FFA coz my weapon switching sucks. Heard of Z1 or FF clan? I'm in Z1.
Cyn1c said:
I've been dying for a 1.16n CTF Rail server. Would it be possible for you to host that mod if I give you the cfg and maybe even the point release?

I've heard about you. I'm kinda n00bish at FFA coz my weapon switching sucks. Heard of Z1 or FF clan? I'm in Z1.

unfortunately no. this isn't my own bandwidth or space. i'm renting it out. running a 1.16n server along with a 1.32 server would count as renting out 2 servers. i'll have to pay double :)

and no i haven't heard of Z1. what is it?
ashr said:
unfortunately no. this isn't my own bandwidth or space. i'm renting it out. running a 1.16n server along with a 1.32 server would count as renting out 2 servers. i'll have to pay double :)

and no i haven't heard of Z1. what is it?

Ahh, that sucks! Prolly the reason why the guys at FS too never got back to me on this.

You're from chennai, aren't you? Don't you know the rail community down there? Sauron, Hell Ranger, DD? Z1 is a ctf rail clan with a japanese leader, Wind.

So been preparing for ESWC ehh?
^Yea, I'm from Chennai but I've never really been interested in rail only mods hehe. In fact, I think the railgun should be removed from Q3 itself since it's simply point and click. Hardly takes any skill in today's world where we have good net connections, excellent netcode and mice that track flawlessly.
ashr said:
^Yea, I'm from Chennai but I've never really been interested in rail only mods hehe. In fact, I think the railgun should be removed from Q3 itself since it's simply point and click. Hardly takes any skill in today's world where we have good net connections, excellent netcode and mice that track flawlessly.

No wonder you rail-whore so much. hahaha
ashr said:
I think the railgun should be removed from Q3 itself since it's simply point and click. Hardly takes any skill in today's world where we have good net connections, excellent netcode and mice that track flawlessly.
Heh, go play QuakeWorld. All the rocket+shaft combo spamming will give you a new respect for the fine balance the Railgun brings to Quake.
saumilsingh said:
Heh, go play QuakeWorld. All the rocket+shaft combo spamming will give you a new respect for the fine balance the Railgun brings to Quake.

Been there, done that. Still don't like the railgun in VQ3 where there's no air control. It's fine in CPM with 80dmg and that speed.
ashr said:
^Yea, I'm from Chennai but I've never really been interested in rail only mods hehe. In fact, I think the railgun should be removed from Q3 itself since it's simply point and click. Hardly takes any skill in today's world where we have good net connections, excellent netcode and mice that track flawlessly.

1.16n isn't a rail only mod. There's ffa 1.16n too but the physics is not as good as cpma. Ask a railer and he/she will tell you the opposite. I never liked FFA coz of splash and quad damage. How can it be skill to shoot a rocket at someone's legs and get obliterated? The only skill i've seen is mid air rocket kills, runs and trickjumping (as in maps like coldrun or xcm_tricks), air strafing and choreographed One-Vs-Many matches.

I rather like the rail gun coz if the shot touches you, you die else you don't! I know plenty of good ffa players but they always come back to rail only servers.

To each their own :)

btw, checkout ...I hope you know who Slack-X is?
yea i know 1.16n is a point release. i'm not talking about ffa however. i find it stupid. i'm talking about 1v1 on competitive maps where there's no quad damage. splash damage alone isn't going to kill and that's why hitting a 100dmg rocket takes more skill than a 100 dmg rail. you need to predict and if you're up against a skilled opponent who moves and dodges well.. it isn't easy. as long as your tracking is good, you can still hit him with the rail no matter how much he moves.

and no i don't know who slack-x is either. what's that site? i didn't really understand it.
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