PC Peripherals New RIG for Friend....

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Will be buying a new RIG for my friend.. Dis is his first rig and I dont want to disappoint him with the buy..
Budget is 25k..Hav planned of getting the following:
Gigabyte GA-G41
Intel E5400
2 GB Corsair / Kingston RAM
FSP SAGA2 350 / 400 Watts PSU
500 GB Seagate 7200.12 HDD
Elite 331 Cabby...
ur inputs are most welcome..

He is more into gaming but budget is the main constraint.
Aslo suggest me for Rams and PSU which one to go for..
Also planning to get a GFX card..
Some alternative for Keyboard / Mouse...
Will tryto get the rig by today itself..So plse provide ur Valuable Inputs...
Manpreet Singh
Re: Urgent .. New RIG for Friend....

Actually the thread should have been in the PC Buying Advice. Mods plz move the thread if possible.
Although u have given most info it would be better if u follow the format as it makes everything clear. http://www.techenclave.com/pc-buying-advice/template-what-should-i-buy-use-143714.html
Components Description Price (INR)
Processor AMD Athlon II X2 240(2.8Ghz, 2 cores, 2MB Cache) 2800
Motherboard Biostar A780L 2600
RAM 2GB 800MHz Kingston DDRII RAM 2200
HDD 500 GB WD Blue 2000
GPU Sapphire 512MB DDR3 HD4670 3850
Monitor Dell S2009W 6500
Cabinet CM Elite 310 1500
PSU/SMPS FSP SAGAII 350w/FSP SAGAII 400w 1500/1900
Key Board Logitech SET - Optical Blk Mouse+ MMKB 700
Mouse NA -
ODD L.G. GH22NS50 OEM SATA DVD-Writer 1000
Speakers Logitech R20 850
Total 25500/25900

This would make a great rig for a decent entry level gaming rig for 25k. Go for a 400w PSU if u will be adding a GPu that consumes more power in the future.(~110w) Else the 350w will do fine. The Biostar mobo was listed in Prime. Go for a tri core processor like AthlonII X3 425 if the price difference btw X2 240 and X3 425 is less than Rs.500 and it fits in ur budget.

Dont compromise on the GPU. Go with the HD4670 512MB version as there is not much of a performance increase due to 1GB VRAM for this card and there is a price difference of Rs.400-500 btw the 512MB and 1GB versions.

If ur friend wants only Intel then go for the,
Gigabyte G41M-ES2L ~ 2.3k
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