New 'super-Earth' found in space

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Man cannot survive g force of more than 9 for even a few minutes..forget about travelling at the speed of light...our frail bodies are just not meant to withstand such high speed given our technology and limits of our biological construction, we may not be able to reach there in a lifetime, even if we make the most of our technology..and just for optimism's sake..even if we did, just imagine the frustration if by the time we reach there, we find out tht the scientists back on earth, goofed up and there aint no water or earthly atmosphere there but something completely uninhabitable for humans...

and then given the time it'll take to get back to earth, we will sure have to say..."dhobi ka ghar ka raha... na ghat ka.."..:rofl: :lol:
Hmmm.. I'm just wondering. Does G-force apply in space? Most spacecrafts (manned/unmanned) travel around 20,000 km/hr even when they are just in orbit.
tht was just an example of how frail human body is..sure g force is felt where there is friction and the gravitational pull of the earth tends to pull the body towards itself..tht is when we feel the g force..sure in the vacuum of space u may not feel the g force but then we will have to prepare a station in the space in an orbit around earth or better, moon.. which will act as the launch pad for the space flight capable of travelling at the speed of light..humans will have to prolly board the flight from such a station....its only then tht the human cargo will not feel the speed, as it will be launched in the vacuum of space, where there will be no all tht of course, depends on if n when we are able to develop such a high speed flight..

this seems to be the only way for humans to survive the speed of light..

on the contrary, if such a flight were to be launched from earth...and at such high speeds, the human cargo wud be smashed into paste even before they leave the atmosphere of earth...:hap5:
its runnish to say find the way to go there first and then start looking.

If we dont look we wont learn about things out there.

If we dont learn and see then how the hell we are suppose to even dream about going somewhere.

Its the scientific curiosity about what may seem humanly impossible that has lead to where we are.

We could see the moon for million's of years. If we stopped looking at it and dreaming to go there we wouldnt even have a space program today.

Things like these makes us to move ahead. We may never see the day of stellar travel buy our curiosity will make sure our future generations will.
G forces do not act in space imo. So it might be possible to travel at light speed.
Of course, once you get past light speed is when problems occur. Theoretically, if you go faster than light, you'll reach the place before anyone can see you get there.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
G forces do not act in space imo. So it might be possible to travel at light speed.
Of course, once you get past light speed is when problems occur. Theoretically, if you go faster than light, you'll reach the place before anyone can see you get there.

G forces act anywhere.
Every body that has mass will have Gforces everywhere including space.
Now if you accelerate slowly and deaccelerate slowly then that wont be a problem in space. But you simply cannot jump to light speed using conventional propagation methods. Not without some science fiction ( for now ) technology called as inertial dampeners. Without them if you accelerate or deaccelerate too fast you will be squashed against the walls of spaceship like the bugs on the windshield of a car.
And the main problem of technology today is energy inefficient methods of propagation. Simple rocket technology wont take us to anywhere close to light speed even if we end up burning all the fuel on the earth.
Why won't gforces apply in space?Also,theoretically,even with all the energy in the world,u cant equal 'C'.U can get to 99.999999999% of C but not 100% C.
Imagine said:
Actually i think this discouvery is really a breakthru in science... Scientist say that there might be life on this planet so i think it answers a lot of questions abt our existence (I mean the religion and stuff)...
I don't think any of the major religons would have a problem with finding life elsewhere, if anything it would only re-inforce their beliefs.

The "we-are-special-cos-we-are-humans" group however might not be.
imo, like i said, g force will act anywhere where there is a gravitational influence..on earth it is felt strong but even all other planets and satellites exert theri own gravitational influence to less or more extent than earth..sure if a such a flight were possible, probably, when we get past jupiter and saturn, we wud again feel the g force if we make sudden speed changes or turns...the key here is the speed..u increase or reduce it drastically and u'll feel the g force pretty badly...a smooth propagation of speed will be the only way to reach the speed of light...

On second thoughts, i just wonder who will be controlling tht flight at the speed of light?? cos before a micro second of blinking ur eye..u will be smashed into any interstellar object tht u may see coming...

i dont think even auto pilot will be able to handle such speeds..we dont know mych about the universe beyond the solar system..imagine if in the course, we come up against a giant ring of asteroids, much like the one between mars and jupiter...will auto pilot be able to dodge thru the field at the speed of light? :O
It'll be all relative. Even at the SoL it would take a min or so to reach Mars, that's more than enough time to steer away from it, and not even humans have to do it. I'm sure machines could detect oncoming bodies and have it all calculated at faster than light speeds.
Params7 said:
It'll be all relative. Even at the SoL it would take a min or so to reach Mars, that's more than enough time to steer away from it, and not even humans have to do it. I'm sure machines could detect oncoming bodies and have it all calculated at faster than light speeds.

far off stuff like planets may be easy to dodge but think about an asteroid field like the one between mars n jupiter...the small n big rocks are not spaced out as planets...infact they maybe within a kilometre's distance from one another..n then dodging thru such a field wud be impossible for even the most precise auto pilot system at the speed of light..:hap5:
^^ just shoot through it :D.

If we ever achieve a feasable way to travel at the Speed of Light, then im sure, theyll develop something like the "Inertial Dampners" we see in all Sci-Fi shows..

and Im sure theyll develop some ub3r c00l Laser Weapons..

Well, its not gonna happen by our lifetime. So best lets 4get about it :P.
Aditya said:
^^ just shoot through it .

If we ever achieve a feasable way to travel at the Speed of Light, then im sure, theyll develop something like the "Inertial Dampners" we see in all Sci-Fi shows..

and Im sure theyll develop some ub3r c00l Laser Weapons.. all those sci fi movie stuff look good only in wud be suicide to use laser weapons against oncoming asteroids...the smaller chunks after we use laser weapons or nukes, will be more dangerous for the spacecraft...tht way, u will not be spared any chance to get past the fragments which will shred apart the ships hull in no time, at tht speed...:no:

At tht speed even dust particles can do massive damage to the ship's hull..

I guess, the only way to get past it wud be to travel at a few machs thru the asteroid field, and then accelerate once we get past them..but unfortunately, tht'll add considerable time to the journey where every minute wud count...:hap5: But again, there is no guarantee tht we may not come across a similar or a worse asteroid fields en route...:no:
Actually the "super earth is 25k lightyrs away fom earth that means even if u cruise at speed ot light it takes 25k yrs to reach it. so the craft shd go at 250times the C to reach the planet n 100yrs or 500times C to reach in 50yrs....

Actually if at all we can travel at speed of light then we will be travelling in time which disproves every damn theory been made till now and we will be busy saving this earth from paradoxes instead of going to the super earth :P
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