PC Peripherals New system not booting

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Hi Guys,
Urgently need your expertise.

MSI 790FX GD70
AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE
Corsair HX620W
ATI Radeon 4670
400GB Seagate
200GB Maxtor

So I tried to setup this new system, but it is not booting up at all.
The mobo has an LED which shows that it continuously restarts after d5. (initializing memory).
I asked at the GSkill forum about RAM compatibility with the mobo, and they confirmed that it is compatible. So I have no idea why it is not booting up.

Since the mobo, proccy, RAM and SMPS are new, I don't know if they are all working properly. On the other hand, since HDDs and Graphics card were part of the previous setup, (mobo died out), Im not sure if they are working properly either.

Can anyone help me out, before I take this to a service centre?

try with only one RAM stick and before starting system clear CMOS ... make sure that u are putting RAM in DIMM_0 slot only
and also make sure u hav connected all the power cords and the data cable of the HDDs properly...dun want them messed up right> :D
first check all the cable connections

then swap ram sticks to know the cause

if it is giving any beep codes then refer mobo guide for further info...

lastly do check whether the mobo's bios has support for ur procy else update that

hope that helps..:)
kekerode said:
try with only one RAM stick and before starting system clear CMOS ... make sure that u are putting RAM in DIMM_0 slot only

I tried one stick at a time, but it still does not boot. Could both sticks be bad?
Ya, i put both in Dimm_0 only...
taher said:
first check all the cable connections

then swap ram sticks to know the cause

if it is giving any beep codes then refer mobo guide for further info...

lastly do check whether the mobo's bios has support for ur procy else update that

hope that helps..:)

checked the cable connections. went to a friend's place for help, but the result was the same..
I dont get any POST, Debug Led on the Mobo keeps restarting after it shows d3 or d5, which means it's trying to load the memory.
Is it possible for both the RAMs to be bad?

I checked MSI, and it lists compatibility to the Phenom II 550 BE, when bios version 1.2 is installed.

So how do I know or change the bios version if I cannot even get the system to boot?? any ideas?
just checked your mobo manual ... gr8 mobo :)

yup ... now u once more test each ram module in each slot ... between testing again power down everything ... remove CMOS battery and then put back again

looks like RAM timings r not getting detected properly ... so if possible then try with other brand RAM modules too ... specially one with lowest speeds

if u get into bios then flash it with newest one or beta one whichever is latest

without booting .. some of latest boards give SPI interface to ROM for flshing the chip with external programmers .. for example my DFI UT X58 ... but i don't see this option with your mobo :(

do post results :D ... best of luck
kekerode said:
just checked your mobo manual ... gr8 mobo :)

Thanks :) Unfortunately its unnerving that I can't even use it :S
I just added an S2409W to the above config :)
yup ... now u once more test each ram module in each slot ... between testing again power down everything ... remove CMOS battery and then put back again
lost count how many i tried doing this..doesnt hurt doing it once more

looks like RAM timings r not getting detected properly ... so if possible then try with other brand RAM modules too ... specially one with lowest speeds
The problem here is that GSkill confirms that the RAM is compatible with this mobo..so I have no idea what is wrong..:huh:
Do you have any other ram besides gskill, try using your friends ram in your machine, see if that makes any difference.
Hacker said:
Do you have any other ram besides gskill, try using your friends ram in your machine, see if that makes any difference.

Nope, and my friend has DDR2. And my Mobo accepts only DDR3 :(
Ive called the Prime, and they have asked me to bring the system to them for testing. So lets see what's wrong with it
man ... so u r in mumbai ... u should have said so in first post itself

i m in thane ... so if u r nearby thane and need DDR3 RAM for testing then u can meet me

i m sure somebody can help u for sure for it
Ok, so I went back to the dealer who sold me the RAMs.
Even he was not able to make the system to post with the 4GBHKs.
So he tested it with DDR3 Tridents, and voila! the system was able to post.

I was able to confirm that my mobo can only accept DDR3 RAMs with 1.5V, while the 4GBHKs that was sold to me was of 1.65V.
Funnily, The Gskill website shows that the 4GBHKs are 1.5V, which was why I ordered it online from my dealer in the first place. Also, the pics shown in the Gskill website and the ones sold to me looks different.

I guess the dealer will probably replace the RAMs with the 1.5V ones. Should get it by tomorrow.

Is it possible to under-volt the 4GBHK RAMs from 1.65V to 1.5V?
kekerode said:
man ... so u r in mumbai ... u should have said so in first post itself

i m in thane ... so if u r nearby thane and need DDR3 RAM for testing then u can meet me

i m sure somebody can help u for sure for it

Thanks for the offer for help. Ill be sure to look you up if I face any more problems with my system. :D
There must be a CMOS reset pin which you would need to short. Merely removing the battery would not help. Find the pin from the manual and short them using a screw driver. That should reset the BIOS. Are you able to see the initial screen when you switch ON (The POST, before BIOS)? If so, then try this. It should work.
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