Android New Trojan virus?? Please help me!!!

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I have a Lava iris, recently some weird things happen to it, when I put my phone on the table without touching it, or when I use another application, 360 security lite can open by itself and switch pages, as if a hand is there controlling it, but I swear I did nothing!!! This really scared me…and network traffic and battery are consuming rapidly since I noticed this phenomenon…does anybody have similar thing happened to you? Is my phone infected with a terrible Trojan virus?

Please help me!! many many thanks!
Uninstall the 360... app. If you can't uninstall, then disable it. And check if that erratic behavior is still happening.
Just copy ur data on lap and format the phone and see if u facing the same issue if not then copy ur data back and u r good to go.
I would first check if there is some phantom/ghost contact happening. If not, then there is ghost in the phone :P
I would suggest you to backup your entire data and format the phone. You should use a better and trusted antivirus like Avast for Android phone.
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