Linux New Ubuntu User

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So i finally installed ubuntu on my laptop. i also have vista installed on the other partition. since im very new to linux, i cant understand a lot of things.

At the moment, by default, ubuntu boots instead of vista if i dont choose an option in the boot manager. how can i change that?

The panel on the top and bottom leave very little viewing space in the browser.

I installed screenlets and made it work with widget layer in compiz. i disabled "end widget on click". when i press f9, the widgets appear properly. when i click on the background, the widgets remain. but if i drag a widget, or even press '+' on the calculator widget for example, it exits the widget layer.

Also, is there a basic ubuntu learning guide?

a lot of times when i visit websites to get some softwares, instructions are given in code form. i dont understand all that. what is the correct way to go forward?
vb86 said:
So i finally installed ubuntu on my laptop. i also have vista installed on the other partition. since im very new to linux, i cant understand a lot of things.

At the moment, by default, ubuntu boots instead of vista if i dont choose an option in the boot manager. how can i change that?

The panel on the top and bottom leave very little viewing space in the browser.

I installed screenlets and made it work with widget layer in compiz. i disabled "end widget on click". when i press f9, the widgets appear properly. when i click on the background, the widgets remain. but if i drag a widget, or even press '+' on the calculator widget for example, it exits the widget layer.

Also, is there a basic ubuntu learning guide?


Welcome to the free world. You'll like it here. :)

1. Open a terminal window (ubuntu icon in the top left->accessories->terminal in most default setups) and type "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" without the double quotes.

Find the line beginning with title and count "the titles" starting with 0. When you get to windows, you'll have 'a number X' which you'll type next to 'default', for instance "default 4".

Be very careful while editing this file since a careless comment or addition can render your grub menu unusable and then you'll have to boot through a live CD to get things back.

2. You can remove either panel and make it more like windows. Right click on any panel and click on properties to move/delete a panel. You can also remove additional elements from a single panel. For example, right click on the two squares in the bottom right corner to remove the workspace switcher if you aren't going to use that.

It's possible that you're running a very low screen resolution. Click on the system->preferences->Display to change the resolution.

3. I didn't quite follow you. Are you trying to do a force quit?

4. Ubuntu, the absolute beginners guide Linux Owns
vb86 said:
So i finally installed ubuntu on my laptop. i also have vista installed on the other partition. since im very new to linux, i cant understand a lot of things.

At the moment, by default, ubuntu boots instead of vista if i dont choose an option in the boot manager. how can i change that?

The panel on the top and bottom leave very little viewing space in the browser.

I installed screenlets and made it work with widget layer in compiz. i disabled "end widget on click". when i press f9, the widgets appear properly. when i click on the background, the widgets remain. but if i drag a widget, or even press '+' on the calculator widget for example, it exits the widget layer.

Also, is there a basic ubuntu learning guide?


1'st have a look here

. Delete the lower panel by right click delete.. Add Windows List to the top by right click new the empty space near the Firefox Icon and select add to panel.. Now scroll down and add "Windows List"
That should give more user work space

Right Click on the screenlets and select properties .. Uncheck Widget layer... That must be the option.. Haven't used Screenlets from a long while..

No need to look for learning guide.. Its more complex to understand annd if you read it you will only get confused. But yes Ubuntu pocket guide is very good . Its free to download and pretty decent Download - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
thanks. managed to fix the boot order and deleted one panel.

the issue with screenlets is: ive made the screenlets appear on the widget layer so that i can toggle them using f9. so, when i press f9, the background becomes dark and the widgets show up. now, if i drag a widget or sometimes even click on it, the widget layer goes off and i need to press f9 again, to get it back.

when i use the calculator, if i press the no.s , it works fine, but as soon as i press say, the addition sign, the widget layer vanishes. i dont want the widget layer to dissapear unless i press f9 myself.
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