Thanks for the response, this may be my next monitor! You are based out of Bangalore? which area?SP Road, Bangalore. I was quoted 34 in October, price has come down a bit. No input lag that I can discern. You have to increase the dpi though, there is a lot of ground to cover in the desktop.
If at all you plan to get a GPU, add 1-2k extra to get Sapphire or Asus RX 460 4GB as these can be further unlocked as suggested by @bssunilreddy in following linkCPU is the i5-6500 and it can do similar video: https://ark.intel.com/products/88184/Intel-Core-i5-6500-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_60-GHz - if only I had been more thoughtful when buying the mobo a year ago (if I got the ASUS H170 PRO Gaming model instead of the plain H170 PRO) I would have been all set
But anyway that can be fixed if needed later on, first I'm just hoping for no issues with the monitor that I get to start with, fingers crossed, touchwood.
Was looking at the AMD Radeon RX 460 (2GB) models (like MSI or HIS) for around 9-10k if I need to get a GPU (prefer not to fiddle with upgrading the mobo) considering apparently the Linux built-in "AMDGPU" driver support seems to be decent.