Anyway nexus 10 does have a lovely display it will introduce us to a new year of all phones going full hd with 440ppi ..and especially new a15 processors..
are you purposely acting like this ?
Anyway nexus 10 does have a lovely display it will introduce us to a new year of all phones going full hd with 440ppi ..and especially new a15 processors..
So android needed 2gb ram and a quad core to get everything responsive ha ha ..they still end up playing games which are two year old..
not a supporter of IOS but I have to say everything about IOS is quality.. sadly in android I spend 30k on my phone and just drool at the games I see on IOS.
Well, people can continue being ignorant, but I guess it's a widely accepted fact that iPad has more tablet-optimized apps and better gaming experience than on Android. I had a Galaxy Tab (original) and Asus Transformer, sold both of them and have vouched to never ever buy a Android tablet again (at least until there are a sizeable amount of tablet-optimized apps).
True !! Lord Nemesis ROFL @iOS quality !! srsly ?? Try running a temple run on a samsung galaxy ace and same on the 4th gen ipod touch (which is inferior in terms of specs). U will see a grt difference in both. It not only about the hardware but wt matters more is the integration btwn the os and the hardware.
And just scaling the apps doesnt mean tht they will look grt on a tab. So there is definitely a need of tab based apps in android.
A tablet is not really a replacement for laptop for most productive tasks (i know many will say they use it for productive purpose). So it is better to ascertain what need the laptop was going to serve to your dad and whether the same will be served by a tablet ?
Also if it involves lot of typing then using touch screen keyboards can be frustrating.