No. you didn't get my point. the 8GB version is most probably subsidized, with Google hoping to earn profits through content sales etc. so at least on the 16gig version they hope to reduce the subsidy a bit or at least breakeven. people with 16 gigs on their phone are less likely to buy content as they have more content stored locally so lesser expected revenue through play store sales etc. from these guys. This is what the difference between 50$ and the price of 8GB flash storage is dint get my point , 8gb version is 299$ and 16 gb version is 349$ , do you think the additional 8gb mem costs 50$ ?
Not really. Ask him to declare it to be safe. Customs on phones is just 2%. you'd have to pay around ~350Rs. on the 16gig version.Any word on the retail availablity of this in the US? My friend is willing to get one for me when he comes down here next month. Would there be any issues with the Customs?
Spanish Retailer Suspends Plan to Stock Nexus 4 Over LG Pricing
Hope this does not happen in India.
The XDA review of the Build quality is really disappointing. I hope it is just a problem with the demo piece and that they have figured this and corrected it in mass production, but knowing LG I doubt it.
Nexus 4 Battery Shot Reveals Potential Quality Issues – xda-developers
They have a valid point for the rear glass issue but everything apart from that is pure rubbish.
How so? Don't you think the Antenna and Impact zone issue is valid? I know from my brother's O2X about antenna issues with LG, he has to keep folder paper under his O2X's back cover to avoid frequent loss of signal.
I have owned the o2x and never faced any such issue.