Budget Above 25K Nexus 6 or something else?



As you know Google has announced their new flagship,Nexus 6 and as far as specs are concerned,it should be one of the fastest phone.But with the pros,also comes the cons,like its gigantic screen and hefty form factor,which is surely a deal breaker.Now talking about myself I had a Note 2 which I sold off to buy a new phone.I used to like that phone because of its big screen,on which I used to see lots of youtube videos and movies.But sometimes I was also troubled by its big size and heavy wieght and promised myself to buy a phone in future with a screen size ranging from 4.7' to 5.2' inches.

So now,I want to buy a new phone for myself.I have Nexus 6 as a option but don't like it because of its bulky form factor.Then there are phones like Z3,HTC One M8 which offers a compact form factor but is somehow outdated(No QHD screens,SD 805) and doesn't offer update systems like nexuses.And please don't tell me to wait for March as there is going to be lots of phones releasing.Maximum I can wait is till Dec.So my question is that should I go for Z3 or M8 and not worry about the specs or should i go for nexus 6 with having a mindset that it is a bit larger than note 2?
How about galaxy alpha? if you are a nexus crazy fan as me, you will buy nexus 6 no matter what. But if I had to buy a small phone, alpha definitely for me. Sexy lukin'. Though specs sucks so does the UI.
So now,I want to buy a new phone for myself.I have Nexus 6 as a option but don't like it because of its bulky form factor.Then there are phones like Z3,HTC One M8 which offers a compact form factor but is somehow outdated(No QHD screens,SD 805) and doesn't offer update systems like nexuses.And please don't tell me to wait for March as there is going to be lots of phones releasing.Maximum I can wait is till Dec.So my question is that should I go for Z3 or M8 and not worry about the specs or should i go for nexus 6 with having a mindset that it is a bit larger than note 2?
All i understood is size constraint.

Then you mention future updates, well all phones in that range will get updates for 18 months after launch just not as soon as a nexus. Big deal ?

What else ?

no QHD screen sd805 is a good decision btw. what do you need a QHD screen for ? better to have it on 810.

As you know Google has announced their new flagship,Nexus 6 and as far as specs are concerned,it should be one of the fastest phone.But with the pros,also comes the cons,like its gigantic screen and hefty form factor,which is surely a deal breaker.

This is gonna sound a little odd, but if it's "surely a deal breaker", it's a deal breaker. Don't even consider the phone if you're not comfortable with the size and the form factor. Trust me, high end specs are forgotten in a couple of weeks, form isn't. Picture yourself in different scenarios to see how this device would fit into your current lifestyle. Do you use public transport a lot? Would it bother you if your phone was stuffed tight into your jeans and you couldn't pull it out easily in a crowded bus or train? How about one handed usage while holding onto a pole?

Or do you almost always have a bag or briefcase with you to put your phone in? Then the size may not be so much of an issue.

What do you personally consider comfortable? I think you should ask for recommendations after you've decided on the size.
A very good alternative to the nexus 6 would be the moto x 2nd gen. Would be good for you as it has the right form factor and the updates from moto are pretty quick too.

And about the ultra high end specs, the snapdragon 801 is still a very very powerful chip and 1080p on a 5.2" amoled panel will be too good as well.
@blr_p @ashrr @ruiner21 thanks guys for the replies.I have almost made up my mind to go for Motorola droid turbo.But the only thing which is stopping me is its accessories support.If you search on internet about cases and covers for nexus 6 you will find plenty of them,but with the droid the case is different.I know it has been launched few days ago but same is nexus,And if you Google about cases and covers for other droid which has been launched in India with other names,you won't find variety.So I want to ask you is there any chance of increment in accessories support for the droid?
I have almost made up my mind to go for Motorola droid turbo.
droid turbo is the verizon name available only in the US, globally it will be known as the maxx

It's a step up from the moto x 2g and is really what people would have wanted the nexus 6 to be. Looks like the right candidate for you.

When it will appear in India (this month or later) is the question and at what price, ~45-50k ?

32GB model i bet and why the hell does moto leave out sd card expansion (!)

But the only thing which is stopping me is its accessories support.If you search on internet about cases and covers for nexus 6 you will find plenty of them,but with the droid the case is different.I know it has been launched few days ago but same is nexus,And if you Google about cases and covers for other droid which has been launched in India with other names,you won't find variety.So I want to ask you is there any chance of increment in accessories support for the droid?
This model is very new so accessories will take time to arrive.
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droid turbo is the verizon name available only in the US, globally it will be known as the maxx

It's a step up from the moto x 2g and is really what people would have wanted the nexus 6 to be. Looks like the right candidate for you.

When it will appear in India (this month or later) is the question and at what price, ~45-50k ?

32GB model i bet and why the hell does moto leave out sd card expansion (!)

This model is very new so accessories will take time to arrive.
Thanks for the reply.There was a rumour of htc one m8 max.Do you have any update on it?