NFS Undercover is Gonna Rock

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Well, too much speculation is bad, let the time come and we'll all know what EA really has in store.
i saw some video's on net of actual game play of the UC, from where did those guys get that game, was that demo or where they testers for the game.
amarkoli said:
i saw some video's on net of actual game play of the UC, from where did those guys get that game, was that demo or where they testers for the game.

I think that would be the GDC and some other expos or even beta testers from whom the videos come. Though i am also not sure.:huh:
How will the game control? Are we looking at something a bit more realistic like a PGR or something totally arcady like a Burnout?

I don’t think it’s anything like we’ve shipped before. It’s probably the closest to Most Wanted; only this time you can do some real cool stuff with your car – something you’ve never been able to do with a NFS game before, such as hit the e-brake and do a 360.

F**in finally!! I always hated this part of NFS that you cannot drift like real world. Now it's starting to interest me. :)
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