Camera Nikon D810


A Nobody.

So after 2 years Fx D800 have a update. From the name its a minor increment. D800 to D810. Like the D7000 to D7100, which I shoot with. And looking at the feature set, Not much of a difference either.

Main points what I see,

1. No OLPF. Just like the D7100.
2. Higher quality for HD Movie recording? Is this going to be a favorite for DSLR Movie makers?

There maybe a tonne of other features. But I don't see how that is going to be affect me.

For more,

Actually, its worse then the D7100 upgrade, at least that had a significantly better AF system and higher resolution.
Expeed 4- 30% faster than Expeed 3. Low noise across the range.
ISO range is now 64 to 12800.
Supports S-RAW
A new Highlight Weighted Metering for Stage shows
Full HD video at 60 now.
Better optical viewfinder and deeper grip. Screen has more pixels.
More shots on the same battery.

Not that it warrants an upgrade to existing D800 users but some updates are really useful :)
I think the Full HD 60 will make it a strong contender in DSLR Video enthusiasts?. Unless they go in for the Canon C or RED series.