Ninja Blade coming to PC this Fall

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Secret Agent Man
For those of you who have never heard about the game, it was a silent release as a Microsoft Xbox 360 exclusive title last year. For people who have played Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox would know how this game would be. Although it's not as complex as Ninja Gaiden, but definitely worth-a-try title.

It's a hack-en-slash title from a Japanese developer called "From Software". It's a mixture of Ninja Gaiden style action & God of War style quick time event sequences. You can watch it's video review for Xbox 360 over at Game Trailers as well.

Before I forget completely, it's heading to the PC platform. Yes, you read that right. We rarely receive good hack-en-slash title these days. Apparently ND Games, an Eastern European game distributor, would be responsible for delivering this title to us. These were the same folks who had first announced Dark Sector's PC listing on their website.

Here's the link: Ninja Blade Coming to PC.

They have proposed a fall release. So let's hope it's a confirmed news & we get to play this on PC. :)
nice i guess it will be a good replacement for ninja gaiden :D and also pc is also getting mgs rising which is also a hack and slash game :D iam sooo happpy
love to play those type of games but didnt get the chance as i m a pc gamer... :(

hope i will get that chance soon :)
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