Nintendo Wii queries

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^^ Thanks a lot ethan_hunt. Buddy it not at all hard and fast. Please see your convenience first as i told ou you really neednt go there, just call and ask. But nevertheless if you are going for personal work then its ok.

I will be coming back to India by october end and plan to buy then but i have observed that the prices here in Shanghai are quiet good if i compare with the prices that you folks have given me.

I mean as i had told before here one guy bought a wii console + additional controller + 20 games for 1700 RMB (approx < 12000 rupees). Now since he has got 20 games in am 100% sure it is a modded wii as each game costs like 5-10 RMB here.

So if i get this console at similar or preferably lesser price point in say next 3 months and if the rates in Indi are still like 5-8 k more then i suppose i shud i get it from here . Also i am not sure about the availability of the not so original games availability in Mumbai.

But one final take or break question is that we know we have PS3 etc with mind blowing graphics and blu ray and what not and in front of this here we have a not so hifi console, will it be a worth buy ??

I know it is really stupid that i am asking such a question after pestering you guys so much but is it not like we loose interest in this. Also one more concern is about accessories. I mean if we take games which require accessories to bought to play them then it would an expense each and every time. I mean can we have a workaround ?

For eg i have heard that a gaming wheel type frame is used for mario kart game but our wii remote is fitted in that. so cant i use the remote itself to play and do the action of driving ? :ohyeah:

Also i plan to buy a 46" LCD TV by year end. Now i know that PS3 games would look godly on them but will i be able to use the wii on that TV without affecting the graphics quality.
raksrules said:
^^ Thanks a lot ethan_hunt

I will be coming back to India by october end and plan to buy then but i have observed that the prices here in Shanghai are quiet good if i compare with the prices that you folks have given me.

I mean as i had told before here one guy bought a wii console + additional controller + 20 games for 1700 RMB (approx < 12000 rupees). Now since he has got 20 games in am 100% sure it is a modded wii as each game costs like 5-10 RMB here.
So if i get this console at similar or preferably lesser price point in say next 3 months and if the rates in Indi are still like 5-8 k more then i suppose i shud i get it from here . Also i am not sure about the availability of the not so original games availability in Mumbai.

Just a heads, up so that you don't get surprised. A lot of the dealers in HK (and ebay) count wii sports + wii play = 5+ 9 games. :no:
@ raksrules.

If that one is modded , then i prefer you getting it right away. Coz that is an amazing price for the modded Wii. Just confirm it.
sickizblank said:
I cannot comment on your last query. Why not ask the dealer in palika himself. Tell him if it works i'll keep it , but if it doesn't you'll have to take it back. (There's no reason why it won't work though)

In Europe the Wii Fit is for like 70-80 Euros so of course the price here with the modded version of Wii is very good. Go ahead buy it. Also if you're spending that much amount , have a look at the Sony Playstation 3 as well , you'll easily get the 80 gigz version for 21k. Good luck! :)

Dude i have a PS3 and now lookin to buy a Wii ..
i did asked the palika shops,most of em didnt guarantee the compatibility of Wii and Fit (as in modded), thats y i started gettin doubts.and wid all due respects to shop keepers,,i cannot trust palika shop owners..thats y wanted to know if someone could help me here
anyways thxxx a lot
^^ See there's always a risk in the grey market. But you have to find out a good dealer whom you can't trust a bit. I know a good shop from where I had gotten my 360 and PS3. He deals in Wii too. PM me if you want his shop information.

Rak, I just got back from Do-Buy. They quoted me Rs.16,000 for the modded version.

The contents of the bundle were:

* Modded Wii Console

* One Wii remote

* One Nunchuk

* Wii Sports Game Disc (5 games; Baseball, Tennis, Golf, Bowling and Boxing)

* Power cord

* Sensor bar

* Standard AV composite cable

* Console stand

For additional Wii remote, they said it would be around 2.4k approx. For additional accessories, you'll have to specify which ones you'll need & they would order it by evening. They said a special kit is available for like 2.25k. He didn't exactly explain the contents though. I'm guessing it would be the sports kit which includes: Golf Club, Tennis Racket, Baseball Bat & Steering Wheel. Can't confirm though as he did mention the steering wheel & Tennis Racket, so I'm assuming that's the part of the sports bundle.

Lastly, he said that the games would be costing Rs.300 per title. That's all the info I could get. Along with the 80GB Playstation 3 (which made my hands itch, again :P) priced @ Rs.24,500.
i'm about to buy one frm decent collections , bandra for 13000 .
it's modded , but i'm not sure which version it is or anything !
Guys how is this offer (not buying immediately but after say 2 months)

ALL Prices in RMB(conversion rate taken as 1 RMB = 7rs)

wii--1350 (9450 rupees)

2nd controller--300 (app 2100 rupees)

wii fit -- 600 (4200 rupees)

5 free games (i think it is wii sports so cant count as free, but chances are it can be others also)

Each additional game 5 RMB (35 rupees)

Total: 15750 bucks (without any additional games)

I suppose that nunchuck (dont know exact name) is part of the main box right, so cannot confirm whether it is there or not. Hopefully it should be ?
Today one of my friends here wanted to buy a HDD and so we went to that electronics market again. This is what the rates we were given

Wii console - 1200 (can stretch to 1150) RMB = 8400 rupees
Extra remote - 250 RMB = 1750 rupees
Wii Fit - 400 RMB = 2800 rupees
Gun - 150 RMB = 1050 rupees
20 games = Free

Total = 2000 RMB = 14000 Rupees

Hows this deal ?

PS: All Wii's available here in Shanghai are all Modded. No one sells non-modded ones.
i bought a wii from alfa for 11800
i was wondering , for game saves , can i use any sd card as a memeory card for the wii
or does it have to be a wii sd card ??
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