No Gears of War PC port coming just yet
The Tech Report - No Gears of War PC port coming just yet
The other day we had a rippled of excitement running through our forum when it was pointed out that NVIDIA's ForceWare drivers contain an application profile for Gears of War - Did this mean that a PC version of this awesome Xbox 360 titles is in the works? Epic Games' Mark Rein has, sadly, dashed our hopes - For now at least.
There is no "new information" that Gears will be released on PC. You know console games are developed on PCs, right? Even if we never release Gears of War on PC we still need to run the game on PC to develop and test content for it.
Our first E3 demo, over two years ago, was done on an PC equipped with dual NVIDIA graphics cards. . . . We gave NVIDIA a copy of wargame.exe (along with some sample content from Gears) so they could help us tweak Unreal Engine 3 performance and reliability on NVIDIA graphics chips. That was necessary to make the development tools perform well and ensure that their drivers would support UE3 going forward. That was beneficial because two PC games (Roboblitz and Rainbow Six Vegas) have already shipped for PC and we're planning to ship our next Unreal Tournament game on PC this year as well.
Rein closes by quoting a recent interview where he stated, "There's nothing to announce at this time. . . . We've said all along that, at some point in the future, we could adapt Gears of Wars for PC. For now however Gears is available exclusively on Xbox360 and we’re still working on improvements and enhancements to it."
The Tech Report - No Gears of War PC port coming just yet