No more IEM purchases for me

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Congrats :)

nukeu666 said:
you can stop after getting a pair of ue18pro or jh13's with lisaIII :P

JH13? That's old... Get JH16. Or at this rate, get UE37 or JH26 with 10 armatures per ear next year :bleh:
Still some consider the JH13s to be better than the JH16 :P.At this level ,everything is extremely subjective. :)
Congrats!!! Awesome!!!! :D

Your home address please. Though I suppose you must be having a good security system in place, but I'd still try to break in and get my hands on atleast 1 IEM. :P
esanthosh said:
Congrats :)

JH13? That's old... Get JH16. Or at this rate, get UE37 or JH26 with 10 armatures per ear next year :bleh:

Dude, its not true that more no of drivers > less number of drivers. A single well designed driver earphone can easily compete with 4 driver and more earphones as a single driver is more than capable of handling the full sonic frequency that most humans can hear.

Also as Faheem said, at this level its all about personal preference more than anything. The more drivers the better is just a marketing gimmick !
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