CPU/Mobo Noisy CPU fan


Hi friends,
I've a Core 2 DUo E7300 system with a very loud CPU fan. It has lately started making a LOT of noise. Seems to me that i should take it out and oil it or somethng but ofcourse have never had any occasion to do something like this.
From what i know it should be replaced by a new one which i'm having a hard time finding in Bhopal. But if oiling/greasing it is possible, which i seriously doubt, then how do i go about that? Else, some pointers to shops in Bhopal who sell these fans (i'm not looking to get anything above 1k so no thermaltake etc) will be really helpful.

Oiling/Greasing.....??? :O

U should get a new stock heatsink locally.... that is the best option.

In case u do not want to spend too much, get a small (32gm) spray can of WD-40. Costs Rs.60/- & using the pipe/nozzle provided, spray a sufficient amount into the sleeve bearing of the fan. WD-40 lubricates & frees up & prevents corrosion.

Be careful not to overspray as it is a liquid that would flow out of the fan & fall over ur mobo..... No harm as such buy it doesn't evaporate & dust sticks to it in the long run..... :eek:hyeah:

I have done this before for my friend's PIII PC...... As it was a PIII, he was not interested in buying a new heatsink.....!!! :ashamed:
Maybe your thermal paste dried up.

My 965BE's was running hot because my thermal paste dried up and hence my cpu cooler fan was running at very high rpm making a lot of noises.

When i cleaned it and applied new one it was back to normal :)
Try getting a low end cpu hsf---coolermaster makes intel HSFs. You can get them in most computer shops. They cost around Rs.350-600. If you desire something more effective when it comes to cooling as well as performance do take a look at Coolermaster's Hyper TX-3. It looks exactly like the CM 212 Hyper+ and it retails for Rs.1150-1300(With 1Yr warranty).
@ nehaladsul : yea dat was my reaction too abt oiling/greasing :p But i figured wts d harm in asking. And d system is never overclocked or anything so i didnt wanna get a 1k+ aftermarket thingy for it..

@sunny/faraz : its damn near impossible to find anything like thermal paste and HSFs in bhopal shops widout paying double the cost for them (read 1k+ for stock HSFs :S )

Guess i'll have to buy it when i get back to bangalore. :(
Thanks for the help guys :)
Till then u can try WD-40.... It is available at any hardware shop.... And by hardware I don't mean Computer hardware but just any electronics & hardware shop.
Trying lowering your fan speed from the BIOS, i.e cpu smart control. Errrrrrrrrr i would discourage using WD 40, it is a lousy lubricant, it was meant for on purpose waster displacement.