Nokia 5800 display broken, Urgent advice reqd.

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I dropped my Nokia 5800 by mistake :(
It has developed a long crack(internal),apparently jus a long white line, you cannot feel it when you touch the display after opening the phone.

Now, urgent advice reqd, help me out

1. Go to Nokia Priority Dealer and report a genuine problem, that a line has suddenly appeared. Stupidity

2. Get my display changed with a new display (non-genuine display)

3. Go in for a genuine display at 2.5k

4. Sell my phone as it is, coz the screen is looking perfectly fine, leaving the white line(crack)

What should I DO ? :S
1. Go to Nokia Priority Dealer and report a genuine problem, that a line has suddenly appeared. Stupidity

>> Are you sure they are going to buy this ? A patch can appear, not a crack. Nokia is not Apple to agree whatever you say and replace. Remember all the things they write abt physical damage and how they just void out the warranty on the phone if there is physical damage found.

2. Get my display changed with a new display (non-genuine display)

>> If not done properly, and a non-genuine display goes into the phone, that would make you loose the remaining warranty on the phone.

3. Go in for a genuine display at 2.5k

>> Seems no brainer.

4. Sell my phone as it is, coz the screen is looking perfectly fine, leaving the white line(crack)

>> New 5800 sells for @ 13.5k , resale in working condition is ~8-8.5k, resale with a broken screen is even lesser. Do you have the funds to add to the sold amount and buy another phone ?
Thnx guys..

Yeah the phone is working fine. The screen has got this thin white line, which is internal.

I'll visit nokia priority tommorow, and see whatever is possible.
Dude .. get it fixed ... it'll cost you 3.5K .. recently my friend's touch sensor went kaput .. and got it fixed for 2300.. he asked them generally that what is the cost of getting the whole display fixed .. they answered 3500 ONLY ..!!
^^ 3500?? and that too 'ONLY'?? lol.

you may go for a genuine 2500 one. You can try option no. 1 too.
even Im thinking of getting the screen replaced, but if I intend to sell the phone, how much would it fetch ?
given that used one without any fault costs around 9k, you may get 6k-6.5k for this as the buyer will have to get the display replaced.
getsetgo_008 said:
^^ 3500?? and that too 'ONLY'?? lol.

you may go for a genuine 2500 one. You can try option no. 1 too.

Dude .. genuine one costs 3.5k ..

RamPagE said:
even Im thinking of getting the screen replaced, but if I intend to sell the phone, how much would it fetch ?

hmm.. wont be a proper solution for you if you sell it .. because anyone who takes will say, i have to get the display changed and stuff and other sorts of excuses .. i think get it fixed will be a proper and the best solution according to me .. or else .. and also .. reminding you of a fact .. as you mentioned option 1 .. they will straight away tell you that it cant be replaced .. as physical damages dont come under warranty .. and also .. the whole display and screen part of the phone is not included in the warranty .. sorry for the shock .. :ohyeah:
^^ genuine one too costs 2.5-2.8k only.. confirmed.
i've got a friend who owns a nokia care center. another friend of mine got replaced the whole screen for 2.8k from him.
shaibalik said:
the whole display and screen part of the phone is not included in the warranty .. sorry for the shock .. :ohyeah:

pardan me for OT

isn't this wrong from nokia's side not to cover screen & display under warranty because that big fat 3.2 inches screen is most important thing in whole phone.still, warranty does not cover it

I have nokia 5800 and I guess I have to be more careful with my phone:(
@shaibalik : the entire phone, including the screen and the touch panel is covered under warranty by nokia. but its limited to issues that dont happen because of a "physical" damage! if tomorrow the screen just goes dead cause of genuine issue - some internal fault , they cover it in warranty ofcourse!

Gaurish said:
pardan me for OT

isn't this wrong from nokia's side not to cover screen & display under warranty because that big fat 3.2 inches screen is most important thing in whole phone.still, warranty does not cover it

I have nokia 5800 and I guess I have to be more careful with my phone:(

:S how can they cover it under warranty ? if an individual damages it , why should nokia cover it in "warranty" :S if we apply the same logic of wat u said on a laptop, again the screen is everything...tomorrow if i drop the laptop and the screen shatters, how can the manufacturer cover it under 'warranty' in this case , definitely not....

however due to specific defects if anything goes wrong with the screen , or the screen goes kaput or the issue that many faced with the weird lines and color issue, that had to do with the screen and it was fixed!
thetechmind said:
@shaibalik : the entire phone, including the screen and the touch panel is covered under warranty by nokia. but its limited to issues that dont happen because of a "physical" damage! if tomorrow the screen just goes dead cause of genuine issue - some internal fault , they cover it in warranty ofcourse!

:S how can they cover it under warranty ? if an individual damages it , why should nokia cover it in "warranty" :S if we apply the same logic of wat u said on a laptop, again the screen is everything...tomorrow if i drop the laptop and the screen shatters, how can the manufacturer cover it under 'warranty' in this case , definitely not....

however due to specific defects if anything goes wrong with the screen , or the screen goes kaput or the issue that many faced with the weird lines and color issue, that had to do with the screen and it was fixed!

I am not talking about damages due to mishandling, its Customer's fault. I know that

But comment was directed towards @shaibalik comment that whole screen is not covered under warranty.
Gaurish said:
I am not talking about damages due to mishandling, its Customer's fault. I know that
But comment was directed towards @shaibalik comment that whole screen is not covered under warranty.

Even I got my display changed(dead pixel) and also my touch panel replaced(malfunctioning) once. So, they are covered under warranty for sure.
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