nokia n73


Jul 5, 2005
hello friends i am abhishek frm mumbai.... i desire to buy a new fone... i desire to know where i cud get the n73 piece in mumbai... and wat is its box packed price wid bill....i have my options open for other fones too... basically i wud prefer a fone wid a big screen... currently my budget is 18k to 22k.... please lemme know abt other options open to me in this range


Dec 30, 2005
^^ er wtheck n73 for 16.5k :| its the n70 DUDE.
and dont even look for n70 that phone is a pure piece of crap.enough said.
n73 is a good choice but will be around > 22k for sure i guess.


Mar 15, 2005
New Delhi
x86 said:
^^ er wtheck n73 for 16.5k :| its the n70 DUDE.
and dont even look for n70 that phone is a pure piece of crap.enough said.
n73 is a good choice but will be around > 22k for sure i guess.
:mad: :mad: :no: can u please elaborate why N70 is "crap" ??? :eek:hyeah:


Dec 30, 2005
yep i can.
do one thing tell me the firmware u got.
press on themes it takes a minimum of 15 secs to get out of themes when u got inside particularly with the 2 N70's i have handled.
its horribly slow.not like 3230 but it is slower for my taste.
thje battery backup isnt that great again for the price the sound quality is cheap not good when compared to SE's.
the keypad feeling is not that good at all.
the screen is only a 178 * 208 which is pretty outdated.hell my cell is 208 by 208 and looks brighter and vibrant than n70.
and above all the first n70 my cousin bought screwed up within a day saying "phone failed ot start" took back got replacement and now his handsfree dont work.
its really slow.
no wifi no music derdicated buttons no qvga screen still weighs heavy as heave as > 125 gms


Apr 25, 2005
N73 at 16.5 k is impossible..!!

any updates on the prices guys??

desparately looking for one...
other than a buggy firmware, reviews look good..


Jul 5, 2005
guys thts wat i am asking frm so long.... any1 in bombay knows where i can get a boxed pack wid bill for not more than 22k... i am ready to wait a little for the prices to fall upto my budget...


May 30, 2005
x86 said:
yep i can.
do one thing tell me the firmware u got.
press on themes it takes a minimum of 15 secs to get out of themes when u got inside particularly with the 2 N70's i have handled.
its horribly slow.not like 3230 but it is slower for my taste.
thje battery backup isnt that great again for the price the sound quality is cheap not good when compared to SE's.
the keypad feeling is not that good at all.
the screen is only a 178 * 208 which is pretty outdated.hell my cell is 208 by 208 and looks brighter and vibrant than n70.
and above all the first n70 my cousin bought screwed up within a day saying "phone failed ot start" took back got replacement and now his handsfree dont work.
its really slow.
no wifi no music derdicated buttons no qvga screen still weighs heavy as heave as > 125 gms
Well.. i dunno which N70 u used.. but the one ive had for more than 7 months now gets in and out of themes in 2 secs!!.. ya i do agree sound quality might b better in SE.. but the rest of the features of SE r nowher close to N70.. i do agree the screen quality is outdated.. but as a complete package n70 is way better than any SE or any other models in the same range!.


Mar 15, 2005
New Delhi
Well most of your rantings seem to be based on very early version of n70.
I must remind you that early versions of most mobile phones including nokia and sony are generally buggy.
Anyway i have fw 5.16 and my bro has 3.05.
Both the phones can open and exit the themes folder in under 2 seconds.
And can you please name any phone in the market under 20k that has the features of n70 ?
As far as screen quality is concerned . More pixels do not mean a better screen. The screen size should also be large enough for the pixels to be viewed comfortably. That is why 6230i screen is a pain on the eyes. . .
Anyway i apologize to the thread creator for hijacking his thread. Maybe some people from mumbai can answer him .


Dec 30, 2005
well yea ok see i never said my phones disply is better than n70 its the resolution and it def matters.
and i swear the first n70 failed to start and he bought it during my cousins marriage so its not even a month.
the other one the handsfree aint working no more.
check this thread out urself
Nokia N70 Problems - MobileBurn Forums
5/6 problems posted here i've faced.
random booting.
huge heavy.
slow ass restart which i hate.
the keypad is from what i have found is quite problematic for writing long sms's.i dont know if u can write sms flawlessly on it as fast as u can on a say n80 or say a 1100.
i'll also post some pics taken with it .. my expectations didnt lived out on the pic quality.
maybe this is biased cuz i hate symbian so for 17k if i dont need edge i'd go for k750i eyes closed.or 6233.knowing the fact neither 3g nor video calls supoprted here except delhi i think.
so all u;ll end up is paying up for the features which ppls dont even use imo for a slow cell.