Nokia Ovi Suite Messages Problem

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Hello all,

I have Nokia Ovi Suite which I use as a backup plus for updating the software of my phone.

I have a problem with the messages. All my messages are backed up on to the Nokia Ovi Suite application. When I did a restore, only half my messages came even though all are on the application. When I click sync, nothing happens? Only half the messages remain and the rest won't come on to my phone.

What do I do?

The backup you create/restore is different than syncing with the application. So when you restored your backup, only those messages were restored which were there when you had created that backup file.

If you can see all your messages under messaging, try syncing. If that doesn't work, then simply select your messages and drag them to your phone inbox, it will get copied.
If I drag and drop then they all go into the inbox. It won't be sorted between inbox and sent messages. That's the other problem.
No, not really. For the moment I have both Ovi and Nokia Pc Suite and somehow have to hope that one or the other will work for whatever I am trying to do. That is till I jump ship and go to Android. Nokia seems to me to be a sinking ship at least in the mid and high end phone category.
^ I agree. Nokia PC Suite was already terrible, then Nokia went and introduced Ovi Suite which is even more worse. :|
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