Nothing Chats/Sunbird privacy issue. It's not end-to-end encrypted.

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Brutally Honest
This is screwed up.

Serious privacy and security issue are now "bugs" guys lol.
Typical Chinese company???

The community notes here haha
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They said that to maintain compatibility with Apple, they're routing the messages through Macs. So there's no possibility of it being E2E encrypted.
There are two issues here, as highlighted in that tweet from @evowizz above:
  • Not E2EE, because it routes via sunbird servers. This is unfixable, and by design. You have to trust Sunbird if you use their service.
  • Not even encrypted communication between client and sunbird servers. This is an egregious mistake that they should immediately fix.
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Curious what kind of excuse Carl Pei will bring up now lol. "It's just in BETA guys." When it could have been an attempt to see if anyone noticed the problem and got called out.
This is a poorly thought of "feature" and just reeks of desperation to differentiate from other Android devices. No one really asked for it and a cheap marketing stunt seems to have backfired.

Also with iOS now being forced to adopt RCS, exchanging of multimedia messages with Android will be less of an issue, though Apple will still reserve the blue bubble for those who care.
This is a poorly thought of "feature" and just reeks of desperation to differentiate from other Android devices. No one really asked for it and a cheap marketing stunt seems to have backfired.

Also with iOS now being forced to adopt RCS, exchanging of multimedia messages with Android will be less of an issue, though Apple will still reserve the blue bubble for those who care.
People who care about the blue bubble green bubble thing technically asked for it. It is what it is.
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