Graphic Cards Nvidia 9600GT or ATI HD 4670?

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Even i was thinking the same how ever can someone confirm it whether it works>?
I mean isnt after all 2 400watts PSU cheaper than one single 800Watts GPU
Wraith said:
I am thinking of getting a new gfx card....i had almost decided upon the 4670 until i found out that the Palit 9600GT is available for 5.5k.

This has made matters quite confusing for the Palit 9600GT any good since its considerably cheaper than the other 9600gt's around?

Most reviews i have read so far seem to put the 9600gt slightly in front of the 4670 in most scenarios. I dont intend to play games but still which would be a better buy?

My current config is

AMD X2 5600+


Kingston DDR2 800 1gb x 2

1 Hdd + 1 Odd

VIP 400W Gold

Will the VIP 400W be able to handle a 9600gt or i'll need to get something else? I had decided to go for the 4670 as it doesnt require an extra power connector like the 9600gt but the price of the palit card has made me reconsider.

All your help will be really appreciated! :)

dude buy 9600gt instead of ATI 4670


better graphic power

will serve you longer(as you don't game )

you paying almost same price why not buy the best (4670 and 9600gt)

power supply will work for you.i ran my 8800GT on Umax 450watt for 6 moths no complain

to others

dudes this guy is asking for your advice so don't make it ati and nvidia fight

suggest him the better one
manpreetsingh46 said:
dude buy 9600gt instead of ATI 4670
better graphic power
will serve you longer(as you don't game )
you paying almost same price why not buy the best (4670 and 9600gt)
power supply will work for you.i ran my 8800GT on Umax 450watt for 6 moths no complain
to others
dudes this guy is asking for your advice so don't make it ati and nvidia fight
suggest him the better one

totally agree....but my point is why buy something that would suck more power! when u wouldnt make use of the same....say he would be gaming then it was a obvious choice....but then if he aint gonna game then why go in for the liability each month ?
sTALKEr said:
The 4670 will run easily. no issues on that front. Also, its the card thats more suited for a nongamer with its lower power consumption.. however, what i would suggest would be for you to upgrade to a 80+ certified psu somewhere in the long run. If you can do it right away, nothing like it.. These PSU's are available for around 3.5k(Corsair CX400 for eg.). The advantage being that you will save up on the power bill to make up for the initial higher cost. Also, you can have absolute peace of mind for future upgrades too.

But VIP FSP OEM's PSU' do come in bluish casing?I second that...
sri_k said:
But VIP FSP OEM's PSU' do come in bluish casing?I second that...

not necessarily. Mine was grey/silver.

@manpreet, please try not to crap the thread. The OP doesnt intend to game much and in this scenario the lower power consumption+better HD decoding capability of the 4670 would be the better choice for him.
its not the wattage dude..............

the 9600gt requires a min of 400w with 26A(combined if applicable) on +12v

irf ur current psu doesnt meet this req,u hv2 go for a new psu...
Athlon X2 5600+ will limit both these cards sufficiently for there to be any significant difference between their performances.
At least C2D E7200 or Athlon 6400+ is required to utilize the power of 9600GT fully.
4670 is definitely recommended for a weak SMPS
rajeshk84 said:
i have just purchased Palit 9600GT. It is working fine on my 500W PSU till now.
Played NFS Most Wanted Fullest configuration without a single break.
But i use 4 HDDs + 1 ODD with 3 cooling fans and TV Tuner Card.
Anyway i have a 300W PSU free, am thinking of connecting it also to my PC for higher power...
Think 800W should be enough for any system:hap2: :hap2:
+1 for that:hap2:
cricfan said:
is it safe to do that...reading some geek posts on this mb..i think this cud lead to mismatched voltages and cud damage the mobo..
nop if you have done some practical work before on your system then it is damn possible without any issue.:ohyeah:
freshseasons1 said:
Even i was thinking the same how ever can someone confirm it whether it works>?
I mean isnt after all 2 400watts PSU cheaper than one single 800Watts GPU

if someone have some extra PSU and are not in position to buy a new pricy one.. then its the other option avaliable..
Only note that Make one PSU for mobo. i.e:-motherboard + graphics card with connectors. and connect it as normal and second one for other things like HDD's,DVD wrtrs,fans etc.. and dont forget to plug both PSU to a UPS.Rest can be found on the links provided in above post.test for accurate connections by connection a fan to the 2nd PSU,if fan runs low then test on combination with other ground wires avalaible near green wire. it is usually the ground(black wire) on left or right side of green one. Enjoy.:hap2: :ohyeah:
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